Johnny Five Is ALIVE!

Johnny Five's Grandpa? Recently, Jess at Apropos of Something linked to an article on Cracked entitled “The Top Ten ’80s Robots (We Expected to Exist By Now)”. Great read, btw. Johnny Five was number ten on the list. Well, lo and behold, the guys at MIT are getting real close to Johnny.

Check out this latest research project. The robot’s name is Domo. Get it? Mister Roboto? Dang those nerds are funny. Domo can recognize human faces and voice commands, can identify objects, estimate their size and make intelligent decisions about how to manipulate them. Domo also has the ability to sense touch, necessary for safe interaction with humans. But most importantly, Domo has human-like eyes, just like Johnny Five.

Fortunately, Domo does not have a shoulder mounted laser cannon nor a homicidal tendency triggered by attempts to turn him off. (“NO DISASSEMBLE!!“) No report yet on whether or not he has a cute Indian side-kick with humorously bad English.

In case you were wondering…

…why I’m not a big fan of RINO Giuliani, aside from the fact that he’s in favor of gun control, he’s also pro-abortion and supports tax-funded abortion.

Clicky clicky.

I’m puzzled why so many conservatives like Rudy so much. 9-11 made him a rock star, but it didn’t change his politics. I still don’t have a favorite candidate, but I’m very interested in learning more about Fred Thompson.

First Step on a Long Road

The U.S. Supreme court ruled today that the ban against “partial birth abortion” passed by congress in 2003 is constitutional and the law stands. This is only the first step on the long road to saving millions of lives thrown away in this country.

Less that 10% of the abortions performed will be effected by the law. “Partial birth” is only used in late term abortions (when many of the babies could survive outside the womb, if given the chance).

There have been over a million abortions a year performed in the U.S. for the last thirty years or so. Over thirty million lives tossed out with yesterday’s paper because they were an inconvenience. We have a long way to go to stomp out legalized infanticide, but today, we made a step in the right direction.

Please send all hate-mail to my email address ( where it will be conveniently filtered and thrown away before I see it… kind of like an unwanted child.

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