Brain Washing… er… Educating Your Children

Brain Washing… er… Educating Your Children

Jason goes to my church. He’s a husband and father. He’s also the author of The Tin Dog Coffeehouse, a blog where, in this post, he tells us about the federally funded education his daughter is getting. It’s a must read. For anyone who doesn’t have kids currently in school (K through college), you need to know where the next generation of idiot voters are coming from.

And, lest you get all grumpy and fling your ire at me for calling voters idiots, let me remind you of our last election.

20/20’s man-on-the-street interviews reveal newly registered voters are completely clueless. 20/20?! Yes. The liberal media knows it’s true.


Right-wing nut interviews Obama voters outside polling place. Guess what. They’re completely clueless. (This one’s kind of long, but very worth it.)


Howard Stern’s man-on-the-street interviews reveal Obama voters are completely clueless. Howard Stern!!


Read TinDog’s post here.

I Can’t D’Nile

I love The Office.

Betrayal ain’t just a river in Egypt.
– Michael Scott

Terror In Chief

You’ve got to see this chilling video of New Yorkers reacting to the the Air Force One “photo-op”.

Read more here (NY Post calls it “Plane Dumb”).

Teleprompter In Chief

What happens when the “supremely eloquent” Bronco Bomber goes off script? See for yourself.

Clicky clicky.

We’ve Locked the Skunks in the Pin

My dad told me a great story last year, about the time the first bailout bill was being debated.

I grew up on a horse farm. We had all kinds of animals on the place. The most numerous were ducks. Ducks are the best insect suppression you can buy. But, ducks are easy targets for predators, particularly coyotes. We had a large pin, with six foot fences around it in which the ducks would spend the night, safe from predators.

Dad noticed we had lost some ducks. He assumed that coyotes had found a way into and out of the pin. He checked all around for holes in or under the fence, made some repairs, adjusted the gate to close tighter, etc. But the duck population continued to suffer.

There was a large dog house in the pen to afford the ducks shelter and shade. Dad was in the pin, puzzling over how the coyotes were getting in and back out, when he heard something under the dog house. There was a litter of baby skunks. Momma skunk had found her way in and dug a den under the dog house where she and her young had a ready supply of taste ducks at their disposal. While Dad had been shoring up the borders against external attacks, he had unwittingly locked in the real threat, the internal threat. He had locked the skunks in the pin, giving the real predators the keys to the kingdom.

The lesson here is one that should be applied to politics, now more than ever. In November, America, swayed by emotional teleprompted speeches and catchy slogans, locked the skunks in the pin. Now, those skunks are making babies as fast as they can, inviting in more and more skunks.

Here’s a quick run-down of the current skunks. There will be more, rest assured.

Bill Richardson – Commerce Secretary. Caught in pay-to-play scandal. Appointment withdrawn.

Tom Daschle – Health & Human Services Secretary. Tax cheat. Appointment withdrawn.

Nancy Killefer – Chief Performance Officer (responsible for White House spending). Tax cheat. Appointment withdrawn.

Timothy Geithner – Treasury Secretary. Tax cheat… who now runs the IRS. Nice.

Hillary Clinton – Secretary of State. Hillary was confirmed despite concerns over Bill making money from international donors and foreign governments.

Hilda Solis – Secretary of Labor. Known lobbyist American Rights at Work, a strong-arm labor lobby. Can you say conflict of interest?

William Lynn – Defense Secretary. Known lobbyist for a defense contractor. (See conflict of interest above.)

Janet Napolitano – Secretary of Homeland Security. Napolitano made the news after the anti-tax Tea Party demonstrations by warning the FBI and CIA to look out for dangerous individuals who are pro-gun, anti-big-government, pro-life, religious, etc. Basically, anyone who calls themself a conservative. She also blamed Canada for the 9/11 attacks by falsely claiming that the terrorist came into the US through the northern border. One word: CLUELESS!

Kathleen Sebelius – Health & Human Services Secretary. As governor of Kansas, Sebelius threw a victory party in the governor’s mansion for illegal abortionist George Tiller, the most notorious late-term abortionist in the US. Her state attorney general appointment, another militant pro-abortionist, was forced to resign after a sex and abuse of power scandal. She also pushed through huge tax increases in Kansas.

Steven Chu – Energy Secretary. Chu is a top-notch global warming nut-job, making stupid sky-is-falling statements exactly like I exposed in my last post. His solution? Carbon taxes. Great. Funny thing is, he seems to happily admit he has no idea what he’s doing. In a conference call to reporters, he said his answer reflected “more of my naiveté than anything else.”

Rosa Brooks – Adviser to the Undersecretary of Defense. Brooks, a George Soros lackey, called Bush “our torturer in chief” and a “psychotic who need(s) treatment.” She compared Bush’s War on Terror to Adolf Hitler’s use of political propaganda. She considers al-Qaida “little more than an obscure group of extremist thugs” and that “on 9/11, they got lucky.” She credits US policy for turning al-Qaida into what it is today.

Harry Knox – Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Knox is a militant homosexual activist who called Pope Benedict XVI and Catholic bishops “foot soldiers of a discredited army of oppression.” When appointed, Knox said the LGBT community “will support the president in living up to his promise that government has no place in funding bigotry against any group of people.” Unless, of course, that community is Christian. That’s totally different.

Rev. Otis Moss Jr. – Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Moss is the father of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s replacement at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Moss Jr. once noted that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas “is like seeing your brother set your house on fire with laughter while your parents and brothers and sisters are in the house,” just because Thomas is a black conservative.

Harold Koh – State Department Legal Advisor. Koh believes that US courts should refer to foreign law in interpreting our Constitution. That is, other countries must have better ideas than us about how to run our country.

Dawn Johnsen – Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel. Johnson, in a supreme court brief, compared pregnancy to involuntary servitude. Thus, abortion is equivalent to freeing slaves.

Eric Holder – Attorney General. Where to start?! Holder is a anti-gun nut, pro-terrorist nut, anti-military nut, anti-border control nut… need I go on? In his few days in office, he has moved forward to close Gitmo, with no plan on what to do with the terrorist housed there. He has denounced US “torture” policies on foreign soil. And he insists he’s going to push through a Clintonesque gun ban even when Dems in Congress warn him not to try it.

And the list goes on and on and on. The skunks are everywhere.


Uncle Sam To Change Name To “Big Brother”

This is genuinely scary. This op-ed outlines a federal bill proposing to give the White House full control over the internet. No, seriously. Stop laughing. This is for real. [Editorial notes added.]

Sens. Jay Rockefeller. D-W.Va., and Olympia Snowe, R-Maine [who is a RINO moron]… introduced the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (SB773), which would permit the White House to declare a “cybersecurity emergency” and shut down or limit Internet traffic in any network the president declares “critical.”

A companion bill (SB778), creates the new “cybersecurity czar” [a.k.a Big Brother] to take his place among the troubling number of similarly named posts in this administration.

The bill’s language also allows the commerce secretary to “access all relevant data” on those “critical” networks “without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access.” The bill as currently written provides zero structural oversight over the proposed broad new executive branch powers.

In case you didn’t understand that, this bill would give the Pres (Bronco or otherwise) the authority to shut down the internet. Umm. Really? And exactly how would that work? It’s not like there’s a giant read switch somewhere that one could flip.

What’s worse, it gives the Commerce Secretary the right to usurp any and all laws and privacy agreements to access bank records, emails, chats, any dang thing he wants on ANY network in the US. Seriously?

Look. I’ve been working on the internet for over ten years now. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. The internet is not one big network. It’s not based in a single building. It’s not controlled by a single organization. The internet is made up of literally thousands of servers, switches, routers, firewalls, etc. all over the world and it is run by literally thousands dudes in t-shirts who carry around pagers and laptops 24/7 so they can know at a moments notice if their network is under attack. The notion that Uncle Sam is going to do a better job of policing the Internet than the guys I’ve worked with for a decade is more than laughable.

The Federal Government, in the last three months, has taken on the worst God Complex in the history of mankind. This really needs to stop.

The Sky Is (Still) Falling

First, read these quotes from well known and widely accepted scientific experts.
The Sky Is Falling!

“We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation.”

“We have about five more years at the outside to do something.”

“Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”

“Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 2025 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….”

“Air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone.”

“By the year 2040, if present trends continue, we will have completely used up all the Earth’s crude oil. There won’t be any more.”

“In 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”

“The world has been warming sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees warmer for the global mean temperature in 2030, but eleven degrees warmer in the year 2040. This is about twice what it would take to melt the ice caps and flood all the world’s coastlines.”

Sounds pretty bleak, don’t it? We’d better do something! We’d better all run out there and buy hybrids and cloth grocery bags and stop having kids to reduce our carbon footprint.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but all of the above statements were made in 1970, almost 40 years ago. I just changed the dates and some of the predictions (all in italics) to bring them in line with the current fear mongering of the eco-nazis.

You see, back in the 60’s and 70’s, it wasn’t global warming and ice caps melting that everyone was freaking out about. It was air pollution, over population, and the unstoppable ice age that would be caused by the global cooling that was going on back then. Here’s that last quote in it’s original form:

“The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

Here’s another:

“Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India…By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.”

That’s right. According to the “almost unanimous,” “solid experimental and theoretical evidence,” of the most widely respected scientists of 1970, you shouldn’t be alive. We should be a solid 10 years into global starvation and an ice age!

So, next time you hear someone talking about the doom and gloom of global warming, or chastising you for your horrible carbon footprint, just tell them, “Sorry. There’s nothing I can do about it. We all died in the ice age 10 ago. But don’t worry, so did you. By the way, how’s that hole in the Ozone Layer doing? Haven’t heard about that lately.”

Here’s the complete article I pulled these quotes from. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share it with all you eco-nazi friends. And while you’re at it, you can forward these too.

Global temperature has been level since 1998, and it has nothing to do with human greenhouse emissions

Alaska glaciers grew in 2007-2008 due to colder weather

Decade since 2000 coolest since 1930s

Don’t Forget Earth Day!

Yes, it’s Earth Day! To help you celebrate this important holiday, I’ve put together a to-do list for my eco-conscious readers.

  • Use twice as much toilet paper as usual.
  • Flush three time (twice for the extra paper, and once to salute the Earth).
  • Don’t bother with that silly hair gel. Just use aerosol hair spray.
  • Leave the fan running in the bathroom all day. Got to clear out those fumes.
  • Crank up the AC. It’s gonna be a hot one today!
  • Whoops! Now it’s too cold in here. Better kick on that space heater.
  • Turn on all the lights. Let’s make this Earth Day the brightest ever!
  • Mailing something today? Be sure to ask for over-night air-mail! Keep those jets flying!
  • Drive to work. Drive to lunch. Drive home. Drive to dinner. Drive to church. Drive no where in particular.
  • Oh, and since “Fatties Cause Global Warming”, be sure to super-size it! Do you want fries with that? You bet! It’s Earth Day!!
WBQotW #171

Yep. I grew up on the street. “Near and far.” “The letter T.” “C is for Cookie.” Yeah. I got cred.

I never watch Sesame Street. I know most of that stuff.


This is a PSA in Australia recommending flu shots. It starts off a little slow, but stick with it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to sanitize my everything.

…or you could just COVER your FREAKING MOUTH!

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