Indecision 2010

It may be hard to believe, but I don’t know who I’m going to vote for.

This primary season, there are a wealth of local elections that are hard to get interested in. I am, however, deeply interested in the race for the Republican candidacy for Texas governor as, for all intents and purposes, the winner will be Texas governor.

So, here are my choices:

Rick Perry
Pros: Conservative track record. Incumbent while Texas is doing “pretty well.” Years of experience in hard-ball Texas politics.
Cons: Sleaze-ball Austin politician whom I’m never sure is telling the truth. Campaigns like a play ground bully. Texas is doing “pretty well” but could be better. King of toll roads.

Kay Bailey Hutchison
Pros: Decades of legislative experience. *Mostly* conservative track record.
Cons: Not pro-life enough for my tastes. I’m not sold on her economic record – She seems a little too much Washington tax and spendy. Stooped to Texas style mud-slinging campaign that devolved to Kay and Rick shouting, “Nuh uh,” at each other.

Debra Medina
Pros: Outsider. Fresh face with fresh ideas. Hard core conservative. Running a clean campaign (so far).
Cons: Absolutely no political experience – Austin hard-ball politics will eat her alive. The more I listen to her, the more she sounds like Libertarian-Isolationist-Ron-Paul whacko, including legalizing drugs. Her tax strategy is very dangerous. Could lead to an actual contest against the Democrats in November.

The fourth option is to not vote. To me that’s always been a non-option. I’m of the school that teaches if you don’t vote, you don’t have the right to complain if you don’t like what’s going on.

I have been leaning toward Medina, but I can’t shake the feeling that she’s the Conservative version of Kinky Freedman and, if she got the nod, might well and truly lose to a strong Democrat.

So, here I am, left between a rock, a hard place, and a Libertarian. What to do? What to do?

Valentine Special

Can romance and math coexist? Yes, but just don’t think about it too hard.

I love you, Tammy, regardless of the Bell curve.

P.S. “Neck down Alopecia” means that she doesn’t have any body hair. Wink wink nudge nudge.

The Sky *IS* Falling…

It’s falling squarely on the head of the Global Warming Sham with a satisfying “squish” sound.

This Wall Street Journal opinion piece outlines the public deflowering of the vaunted Un IPCC. We’ve talked about all that before (here and here), but what makes this one blog worthy is these two juicy tidbits near the end.

[Mr. Jones] has called into question other issues that the climate lobby has claimed are indisputable. [Mr. Jones] told the BBC that the world may well have been warmer during medieval times than it is now. This raises doubts about how much our current warming is man-made as opposed to merely another of the natural climate shifts that have taken place over the centuries. Mr. Jones also told the BBC there has been no “statistically significant” warming over the past 15 years, though he considers this to be temporary.

Oh, now he changes his tune. Too little too late, sir!

The “Mr. Jones” in question, is the totally disgraced Phil Jones, the most guilty member of the Climategate scandal that finally turned the tide of (at least some) media attention about the climate sham. Mr. Jones has now been forced out of his lofty research position and is now, one can only hope, living in a refrigerator box in some back ally preaching his global warming garbage to the ally cats.

Winter Wonder

DFW saw record breaking snow yesterday. We got nearly 11 inches at our house.

The good news: Both Tammy and I came home early Thursday. We both had the day off Friday. Our power, internet and TV have stayed on the whole time. We got to build our first snow man together (A whopping seven footer!).

The bad news: Opening night of my dessert theater show was canceled (Friday). Ticket holders will be welcomed Saturday. Some how, we’ll get all the folks for both sold-out shows into one fantastic performance. My folks could not change their plans to come see the show Friday, so they won’t be able to see it. Nor will they get to see the updates to the house. But that will come eventually.

Right now, Tammy is enjoying the Olympic opening ceremony. I’ve snuck out during the parade of nations to give you all an update, but I’d better get back in there soon.

P.S. She’s only shed one tear so far, while they were profiling the torch relay.

Our first snowman
Quick Update

Remember a month ago when I said I was in this year’s dessert theater production? I said, “That means that I have a new accent to master and I won’t see my wife awake for the first two weeks of February.”

Well, here we are. My Brooklyn punk accent is pretty sharp and my poor, abandoned, but still loving wife did not see me awake yesterday. Tonight, we got about an hour. Sorry, dear. I still love you! Try not to forget what I look like and don’t shoot me when I come into the bedroom at night. Okay? Thanks. You’re the best.

A Stiff Question

Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?

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