WBQotW #194

I’ve been in on so many of these kinds of meetings, I’ve lost count.

Wow, that is such a stupid idea, I feel dumber just hearing it.

The Murder Industry Rolls On

“Freedom of choice” does not mean freedom to ignore the law; the state law, federal law, or the universal law of morality and common sense. (See how I did that all “PC” and didn’t mention God and the Bible? It wasn’t easy.) If you’re “pro-choice” (another piece of PC monkey hurlage), you need to know that the people inside this industry are not the saints you may believe they are. You need to know that abortion is an industry and it destroys lives (both born and unborn) en mas every day. And it’s not some righteous campaign to empower women. Do you think they’re empowering this “14-year-old” rape victim? No. They’re making money as fast as they can with no regard for human life, or even human dignity.

See the article here.

That Boy Ain’t Right

You have the coolest mom. She smells like Miracle Whip.
– Joseph Gribble

This week’s white board quip is inspired by NetFlix! Yes, odd. I know. But I just found the first TWELVE seasons of King of the Hill are now available for instant viewing on NetFlix. Twelve seasons!! Now, my DVR has been dutifully recording KotH episodes much faster than I can view them. (Up to four a day!) But the DVR isn’t real good at reading my mind. You see, it tends to record every episode, whether I’ve seen it before or not. In fact, it records episodes that I’ve watched on that same DVR and then erased. And the DVR has no control over the episodes that are broadcast. They tend to show up in no particular order, all twelve seasons, mixed together and some episodes never seem to surface. Now, with NetFlix, I can (and I assure I will) watch every episode, in order, from Genesis to Revelation, so to speak.

Next, NetFlix sent me an email today to let me know they have the technology (“We can rebuild him!” … sorry) to turn my Wii system into a NetFlix instant viewer! That’s right. They’re sending me a free CD which will install their instant player on my Wii. I’ll be able to watch any instant view content from NetFlix, via the intertoobs and my Wii, right on my living room TV. ROXORZ!!1!

New Favorite Actor

Neal McDonough is my new favorite actor. The name may not ring a bell. It didn’t with me at first. But google him, you’ll recognize his face.

McDonough was fired by ABC after only 3 days of filming on a new series called “Scoundrels” because he refused to do a sex scene. And it’s not like ABC didn’t already know how he felt. He had already refused to do sex scenes in several previous roles (including ABC’s Desperate Housewives).

So, when ABC tried to bully him, he called their bluff. Fire me! And they did. Jerks.

According to Deadline Hollywood:

McDonough was sacked because of his refusal to do some heated love scenes with … Virginia Madsen. The reason? He’s a family man and a Catholic, and he’s always made it clear that he won’t do sex scenes. And ABC knew that. Because he also didn’t get into action with Nicolette Sheridan on the network’s Desperate Housewives.

Seriously, Neal. You rock, man.

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