The End Is Nigh

Surely the latest sign of the coming apocalypse is this:


Yes, really! Those trademark red braids are GONE! See for yourself: Clicky clicky.

These are strange days, children. Strange days.

WBQotW #197

Last week’s quip was from Dilbert’s Pointy-Haired Boss. I have a lot of really good PHB quips so this week I’m starting a series. For the next few weeks (or until I run out of good ones) the white board will be devoted to the PHB.

Would you mind not exhaling so much in my office?
– The Pointy-Haired Boss

A SYNS Public Service

As a public service, I have created and am now sharing with you, a new universal hand signal for drivers. I understand that it takes a lot of time and effort to reprint drivers education manuals, so I don’t expect to see this showing up in the official Texas Department of Public Safty materials for a while, but I’m sure it will be there eventually.

Thus, I’m looking into the costs and feasibility of producing my own educational materials to get the word out about this new hand signal. (Yes, seriously. I’m checking into getting bumper stickers printed. Let me know if your interested!)

So, without further ado, I present you with the “Hang Up & Drive” signal.

Hang Up and Drive
We’re Losing Control

While it seems, for now, we’re no longer in danger of the U.S. dollar losing its status as the global reserve currency (thanks to those socialist nutjobs in Greece), we’re not out of the woods yet. That’s because English (or more generally, the Latin alphabet) is no longer the king of the hill for the internet. That’s right, we no longer own the internet!

ICANN, the governing body that doles out domain names, has begun issuing domains using the Arabic alphabet! Yep. I’m serious.

Arabic Domains

Now, I’ve got no problem with folks having domains in their own language using their own alphabet. But just you wait. I predict it will be less than a month before some clown finds some characters in a foreign alphabet that look like smiley faces or flowers or music notes and gets a domain name like “www.♠Cool♥Online♦Poker♣.com”.

And I’m pretty sure that’s one of the signs of the Apocalypse.

Have You Hugged Your Boss Today?

Once in a while, Dilbert reminds me to be grateful for what I have. I have a great job and a pretty darned good boss. And I’m thankful to God above that I don’t have a boss like Dilbert’s Point-Haired Boss.

Some people call it stupidity. I like to call it cleverness.
– The Pointy-Haired Boss

Pimpin’ Minivan

I absolutely love funny, well done, just-for-the-web advertising (a.k.a. viral ads). There is a whole series on YouTube for the Toyota Sienna minivan. If you’ve got some time, check out the whole series here. If you don’t, allow me to share a few of my favorites.

The Swagger Wagon

YouTube Link

Bonding Time – I don’t know why but this one makes me think of RandyPants.

YouTube Link

Mommy’s Rest – If you snore (like me), this one will hit home for sure.

YouTube Link

Now, ask yourself. Does viral advertising work? Well, what are the chances that I would be pimping a minivan on my blog if it weren’t for these awesome videos? Two words: Ze-Ro.

Tammy’s Home

Not that she’s been anywhere else. I mean, it’s not like she’s home from a battlefield or jail or anything. But she is home from work.

God has blessed us and we figured out that, by tightening our belts just a little, Tammy could quit her job in Dallas and find something that, though it will pay less, will be closer to home! Tandy (not the computer company) was very good to Tammy, but between the 60 mile round trip through horrid traffic, the 5 AM alarm clock, and the… well… hostile work environment, it came to the point were the money just wasn’t worth it.

What’s even better, with our First Time Home Buyer tax credit, we have enough in savings that Tammy can take a month or so off before she starts looking for a job closer to home.

Having just finished her first full week without a job since High School, Tammy is doing great. She is just getting the tiniest tinge of cabin fever, but she’s loving getting up with me and hanging out in the mornings before I head to work. So far so good. Next week, she’s actually pretty booked up, between dentist visits, meeting to counsel and encourage youth, and volunteering at the church.

I’m so thankful that we were able to get her home. It was definitely a “God thing” and now, we trust that He will find her the perfect job when the time comes.

WFHF: That Song

It’s time for another Work From Home Friday video! YAAAAY!

You know what it’s like. It’s happened to all of us. You get that song stuck in your head and you just can’t shake it. Until…

YouTube Link

This is my first “HD” video, at least according to YouTube. If you click through to the YouTube page, you can select 720p (HD) on the bottom right of the player and watch it in supper high clarity.  Plus, you may notice a significant addition to this Friday’s video. Tammy!! Yes, she’s home!!! More details in the next post.

Happy No Pants Day!!

Seriously! The first Friday in May is No Pants Day. I’m doing my part. Are you?!

No Pants Day!

Check it out! (Clicky clicky.)

The British Are Voting! The British Are Voting!

UK BulldogI don’t know if I have any actual readers in the UK. According to Google Analytics, I do get some hits from the little island across the pond. But regardless, I want to give a nod to our limey chums.

I know I’m late with this (According to my clock, there are only three hours before the polls close), but I still think it’s worth it.

Get out there and vote! Give David Cameron and the Conservative Party a chance to fix the mess that 13 years of Labor has gotten you into!!

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