Saw this on quickmeme today. I LOLed.

Are birds really singing? Or are they screaming because they’re afraid of heights?


Yeah. I’m sick. I hate being sick.

I had a great time last weekend playing laser tag with the yutes. But I’m pretty sure that during that time I 1) picked up some cooties and 2) strained my back… again. It is possible that I caught the cold from Tammy, who has a sinus infection, but there is no question that I did something during laser tag, although I don’t know what, that threw out my back.

Tammy and I scored tickets to what turned out to be the best Cowboys game in years (Cowboys 44, Bills 7). The tickets were relatively cheap for a Cowboys game, but still expensive enough that we were not going to let a cold and a sore back keep us away. We had a blast, carefully limited our cheering, and walked, and walked, and walked, and walked. In the past, walking, getting vertical, has helped my back pain. I can’t say it helped this time, but I survived Sunday.

On Monday, the cold and back pain both set in for the reallies. I stayed home from work and slept most of the day. Tuesday I managed just over half a day in the office. Today (Wednesday), I’m feeling pretty good. Maybe 70%. I’m pretty sure I’ll make it all day in the office. Tammy and I will both stay home from church anyway. We don’t want to spread the cooties and we need avoid any new cooties until we are well.

Also, I’m excusing myself from my morning walks this week. I know it looks bad to have an excuse on the first week of a resolution, but it can’t be helped. It would not help my cold to be out in the cool of the morning. And, besides, I walked more than the week’s quota on Sunday alone.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Cuss Cuss Cuss!

Ok, so right after I posted that link dump (Total coincidence that it posted at 1:11 on 11/11/11, I swear!), I realized that I had missed 11:11:11 11/11/11! I was so mad at myself! I immediately started on a post deriding myself for this horrible failure, when my laptop complete pooed all over itself. Massive operating system failures cascading across my screen. Looks like somehow, somewhere I contracted a horrible virus that disabled most of my system files, masked my hard drive, etc., etc., etc.

Now, 10 hours later, I think (emphasis on “think”) that I’ve got it all straight. Only time will tell if I really got all the critters out. Man, what a day.

Notsome! (In case you don’t know what that means, clicky clicky.)

Link Dump

A symptom of my blog neglect is the large collection of news links stacked on my desktop. Rather than try and write a post for each one, I’m just going to have to do a link dump. So, hold on to your bloomers. Here we go!

Dirty space news: Mysterious explosion on Uranus!! (Clicky clicky.)

Siberians share DNA with Neanderthals… OR maybe Neanderthal were actually humans… Duh. Read Genesis! (Clicky clicky.)

Insult to injury: Netflix customers (former and current) cut deep into earnings. Stock collapses. (Clicky clicky.)

Shamed ultra Liberal (and likely criminal) “community organization” ACORN is the driving force behind the “Occupy” movement. (Clicky clicky.)

After exposure, ACORN scrambles (but fails) to cover up “Occupy” involvement. (Clicky clicky.)

Hilarious: Mass of McDonald’s job applications dumped on “Occupy” protesters. (Clicky clicky.)

The parasites have parasites: Lice outbreak at Occupy Portland. (Clicky clicky.)

Walmart for rats: “Occupy” encampments are breeding grounds for dangerous disease including drug-resistant TB and truth-resistant socialism. (Clicky clicky and clicky clicky.)

Obama’s agriculture dept introduced Christmas Tree Tax to promote Christmas trees. Seriously?! (Clicky clicky.)

U.S. military kicked out of Iraq likely because Obama admin completely ignored the Iraqi gov’t for nearly a year! Turns out the “silent treatment” is not good foreign policy! (Clicky clicky.)

Here We Are Again

Once again, I find my blog sadly unattended. Poor poor blog.

And what’s worse is I haven’t really been that busy. I’ve just been distracted. I’ve spent way too much time on Facebook and YouTube (mostly YouTube).

So, what’s to be done? I have a thought. Yesterday was my birthday. Most people make resolutions on New Years Day. I’m going to make one right now. Actually, I’m going to make several.

1) For the next year, until my 39th birthday, I resolve to visit YouTube and Facebook only after 5:00 PM on weekdays. Yeesh. This is going to be really hard. Ok. So I’ll allow myself 30 minutes during lunch. Strictly 30 minutes. How does that sound? Good? Oh, and posting via my cell phone doesn’t count.

2) To replace this bad behavior, I’m going to bring a book to work and read during the down times (project compiling, waiting for debug builds, etc.). As such, I resolve to read all of the Chronicles of Narnia this year.

3) I’ve already started this one, but I resolve, for the next year, to get my lazy butt out of bed early enough so I can walk around the block at least once in the morning before breakfast at least four days a week. If this goes well, I hope to increase the amount of exercise and shed some of the “prosperity” around my middle.

4) I resolve to turn my 1 year Revelation curriculum into a short Bible study, around 8 lessons. Maybe less. (This has been on my ToDo list way too long!)

*Sigh* Ok. This is going to be really tough. I might need some help to stay accountable.

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