Word of the Day: Holycowlitosis

Holycowlitosisn. Breath so foul that bovine methane release seems a comparatively pleasant alternative.

Even Elsie thinks that's gross!
54k Views and Counting!

It’s official. I’m famous. I have a video on YouTube* that has, as of this writing, been viewed over 54,000 times. How awesome is that?!

Pretty dang awesome if you ask me.

* Okay, okay. So technically speaking, it’s not exactly, totally my video, per se. But I am a primary member of the cast**. So that should count, right?

** Yes, I know that there are only three people in the whole video, but I’m one of those three, so that makes me a co-star at least***.

*** Well, who cares if I’m only in 4 seconds of a 12 minute video? I’ve still be seen over 54,000 times and you haven’t, so… Nyaa nyaa nyaa!

Seriously, for those who don’t know (which, in my reader base would be “most”), Rhett and Link are pioneers of video blogging who have multiple YouTube channels, some with over a million subscribers. When they started their latest venture, a daily video blog called “Good Mythical Morning,” they asked for subscribers to send in video introductions. I did, and last Friday, my intro made the show. It’s kind of a big deal. But only kind of.

WBQotW #229: Facebook

I have no idea where I found this quip about Facebook. But considering the recent and frightening studies about internet and social media addiction, comparing it to jail seems apropos.

Facebook is just like jail. You waste time writing on walls and getting poked by people you don’t know.

Speaking of which… (stands and adjusts name tag) Hello. My name is Trint, and I just spent the last half hour going through over 200 previous blog posts to make sure I had the correct number of White Board Quips. (Group responds, “Hi Trint.”) But I’m totally glad I did because it turns out I was way off! (Group leader makes a note to increase my meds.)

Super Teasers??

I’ve always loved the Super Bowl. After our 2009 Super Bowl party (which inaugurated our media room and drew 45 guests… eek!) we have toned down the celebration a bit. This year will include just a few close friends. (Sorry chi’ren.)

I also love great, creative commercials. The Super Bowl has been the… well Super Bowl for commercials for decades now. In years past, I have blogged about my favorite TV spots from the big game (here and here). But, at least to my feeble old-man memory, this is the first year that such a large crop of Super Bowl commercials have been leaked before the big game. Frankly, I’m concerned that, like a bad movie preview, I’ll know all the jokes before I see them and that would just be awful!

I’ve already seen 2012 Super Bowl ads from Honda, Toyota, Audi, Doritos, and Volkswagen (and Volkswagen) commercials all on YouTube. There are even YouTube channels (yes, plural) dedicated to leaked 2012 ads. Really?!

What do you think? Have Super Bowl commercials jumped the shark? Will leaked ads ruin the game day experience? Is anyone still reading this post (if so, give me a *wink*)? The comments are open.

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