February 6, 2012 - 10:02 pm
It’s official. I’m famous. I have a video on YouTube* that has, as of this writing, been viewed over 54,000 times. How awesome is that?!
Pretty dang awesome if you ask me.
* Okay, okay. So technically speaking, it’s not exactly, totally my video, per se. But I am a primary member of the cast**. So that should count, right?
** Yes, I know that there are only three people in the whole video, but I’m one of those three, so that makes me a co-star at least***.
*** Well, who cares if I’m only in 4 seconds of a 12 minute video? I’ve still be seen over 54,000 times and you haven’t, so… Nyaa nyaa nyaa!
Seriously, for those who don’t know (which, in my reader base would be “most”), Rhett and Link are pioneers of video blogging who have multiple YouTube channels, some with over a million subscribers. When they started their latest venture, a daily video blog called “Good Mythical Morning,” they asked for subscribers to send in video introductions. I did, and last Friday, my intro made the show. It’s kind of a big deal. But only kind of.
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