Aww Crap
Aw crap

I can’t say I’m surprised. Disappointed, of course. Moving to another country, no. (Where would I go that would be better? Maybe some tax free Caribbean island nation… Hmm.)

One thing is certain, I am now a minority. As a white, male, financially successful, English speaking, conservative Christian; I am *not* in this nation’s majority. And to be completely honest, I’m okay with that. As a blogger, it is much more fun (and ridiculously easier) to be on offense than defense. And thank God I don’t have to defend that foul-mouthed, turn-coat jerk John McCain.

First and foremost, I’m extremely proud to be a citizen of a country were radical regime changes like this occur with ballots and not bullets. (But rest assured, I’ll be stocking up on the latter while it’s still legal.)

On that note, let’s look at some of the conservative victories.

  • Arizona bans gay marriage
  • California bans gay marriage… again
  • Florida bans gay marriage (by a 3 to 1 margin)
  • Arkansas bans adoption to unmarried (and thus, gay) couples

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