March 14, 2006 - 6:50 pm
Some of you may know that my wife, Tammy, has been looking for a new job for several months. She worked for a company that imported, warehoused, and wholesaled clothing accessories (socks, hats, belts, etc.) to big name retailers like JC Penny and Wal-Mart. It was a neat job, but it was stressful, much too far from our new apartment, and the hours were awful. (Tammy had to leave the house before 6AM.)
As usual, God not only had the right job waiting, He revealed it at the perfect time. After a performance of our Christmas musical at the church, Tammy and I saw some old friends in the audience. We went down to talk to them and the conversation turned to Tammy’s job search. Tammy, being the persistent optimist that she is, asked the, “Wanna give me a job?” (She said this of everyone who asked about her job situation for months.) This time, the answer was not a chuckle and “I wish I could.” Instead, the response was a thoughtful look and silence. *perk*
Stan Preece and his wife Karen have been friends for about three years. Stan is a pediatric dentist and Karen manages his office. They were, at Christmas time, finalizing plans to build a new office and move out of their current digs which were shared with other doctors and very over crowded. “Let me talk to Stan about that,” sounded like the “Halleluiah Chorus” in my ears.
Three months later, things are coming to pass. There have been three rounds of layoffs at Tammy’s old job. The only reason she survived is because she had already given notice that she was leaving. (God-Thang #1) The new dental office is just a few weeks from opening, and Tammy has been training at the “old office” for a couple of weeks now. Originally, she was slated to work the front desk, taking appointments and handling records. Not as glamorous as her previous job, but closer, better hours, and a much better environment. Plus her pay rate would be about the same. (God-Thang #2) Within a week of training, she was coming home with stories of taking X-rays and soldering crowns; not the kind of thing a desk jockey would need to learn. We got formal notice this morning that Tammy “picked up on things so quick” that they decided to make her a dental assistant! How many people do you know who get a promotion after a week on the job? (God-Thang #3)
I can’t tell you how proud I am of my bride. (Bride-Pride?) Way to go, Tammy! I love you.
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