February 1, 2005 - 6:31 pm
This was a wonderful case of the press reporting a story that made the press look bad, then promptly “spinning” the story to make America look worse.
USA Today reported the results of a survey of over 100,000 US high school students. Over 1/3 of the students responded that the press should have less freedom, and that the government should be able to “approve” content before it is reported.
Now, to me that says that America’s youth are just as sick and tired of media mouths and daily liberal spin as the I am. No, I’m not saying we should repeal the first amendment, but I am saying that the pendulum has swung and the press is going to have to learn to be more responsible one way or another.
What does USA Today think about the survey results?
Kids aren’t learning enough about the First Amendment in history, civics or English classes.
Whaa?! How could they possibly blame this on the education system?! In the very next sentence they say:
It also tracks closely with recent findings of adults’ attitudes.
Okay, so if it’s the school’s fault that the kids don’t trust the media, then whom do you blame for the adults’ attitudes? … No response.
One other interesting fact from that survey: A whopping 75% of students responded that it should be illegal to burn the American flag as a political protest. That is, of course, unless the protesters wrap themselves in the flag before igniting it. *smirk*
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