October 11, 2004 - 4:26 pm
There is a blog that I read daily, but it’s not on my list of “Daily Reads”. That is because I only read this blog to keep up on the tripe and lunatic propaganda that extreme liberal media mouths vomit onto the web.
Here is just such a pool of bile. It’s a video detailing the conspiracy of war by the aptly named “Right Wing” and the defense industry. Priceless.
Now honestly. If people are mentally malleable (a.k.a play-dough-brained) enough to believe a word of this, I’d prefer they didn’t vote. They are the manifestation of the argument AGAINST democracy that was popular in the 17th and 18th centuries (a la Thomas Hobbes).
“The most part are too busy in getting food, and the rest too negligent to understand.”
In other words, the general public is too stupid to elect it’s own government. Hmmm.
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