July 6, 2004 - 3:42 pm
Tammy got her hard cast off last week. She’s now in a air cast which allows her to take it off. Finally, she can take a real shower. (You have NO idea how much that means to her.) She’s still on crutches and not supposed to put weight on the foot for another couple of weeks. But being able to air it out, itch it at will, and shave makes her much happier. The most amazing thing, as you can clearly see, is that her foot and ankle are remarkablly swollen. This picture was taken as soon as she got home from the doctor. It’s gotten better since then (and she has shaved) but it’s still noticable. Also her calf is about half the size of the healthy one that’s been doing double duty.
So where are we now? She sees the doctor in two weeks at which time we expect to get the go-ahead for her to walk on the air cast and maybe put the crutches in the closet. Then another couple of weeks before she can go without the air cast. Then, potentially, some physical therapy to get everything limbered up and get the muscles restored.
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