May 6, 2010 - 11:41 am
I know that we live in a lost world. I know that we are surrounded by people who do not have the same values, morals, or faith. And you know what? I’m OK with that. Given my rhetoric, you might not think so, but I do embrace the American experiment. We all have freedom of speech, so people can say the dumbest things they want to say. We all have freedom of religion, so people can worship whatever gods they can invent. And we have the freedom of the press, so sick pinko liberal stinkies can broadcast their hateful, racist diarrhea of the mouth all over our media outlets.
But here’s where I get irritated. It just burns my hide at how openly and blatantly double standards are played out and accepted. Today’s headlines bring us three glaring examples.
Double Standard #1 – Thou shalt not segregate, denigrate, calumniate, or depreciate any person or group based on their ethnicity… unless they’re white.
The principal of Dicken Elementary School; in Ann Arbor, MI; is unapologetic after conducting a field trip for black kids only. His argument remains that he was trying to “close the achievement gap between white and black students.” I’ll admit, that’s a noble pursuit. But you don’t accomplish that by sending all the black kids to a motivational speech and telling all the with kids, “Sorry, you’re white. Go to class.” What’s worse, Principal Mike Madison seems to be completely blind to his own racism.
“The intent of our field trip was not to segregate or exclude students as has been reported, but rather to address the societal issues, roadblocks and challenges that our African American children will face as they pursue a successful academic education here in our community.”
In other words, “This isn’t racism. I’m helping black kids!” Ummm… No, that’s racism.
rac·ism –noun: A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement.
And this is certainly not just about putting black kids first. Noo. That would be too obvious. We have to be “colorblind” in our efforts to subjugate white kids. As our second story illustrates.
At Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, CA, as suburb of San Fransisco, five white kids were sent home when they refused to turn their t-shirts inside-out as ordered by their asst. principal. Why? Because their shirts featured American flags. Assistant Principal Miguel Rodriguez, a Hispanic man, felt the shirts where “incendiary” and the kids were trouble makers because they were touting their American pride on Cinco de Mayo. According to Annicia Nunez, a Hispanic student at the school, the boys owe her an apology because, “…it is a Mexican Heritage Day. We don’t deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn’t do that on Fourth of July.” Uhh, Miss Nunez, you’re statement would make perfect sense if this had happened in Baja, but it didn’t. You are an American citizen (I hope) and an idiot.
To its credit, the school district has issued a statement that it did not agree with the school’s actions. And what makes this particularly juicy is that at least one of the students, even though he has pale skin and a European last name, is half Mexican.
Double Standard #2 – Thou shalt not disparage, insult, or even joke about any religion, faith, or moral stance… as long as it’s either Islam or Atheism.
Last month, Comedy Central was in the news for censoring it’s most depraved and insulting show for the only the second time in it’s thirteen year history. In both of those cases, South Park episodes were changed specifically to prevent the show from offending Islam. This is in spite of the fact that South Park has recurring Jesus and Satan characters that are genuinely appalling to Christians. In the very episode in question, Mohammad was removed, but “Jesus Christ was depicted watching pornography and Buddha was portrayed snorting cocaine.”
To add insult to … insult, Comedy Central is developing a new animated show, “JC,” which is “a cartoon show about Christ trying to get out from the shadow of his ‘powerful but apathetic father’ so He can lead a typical ol’ New York life.” Yeah. I’m sure that won’t offend anyone. At least not anyone that matters. Right?
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