July 12, 2004 - 6:44 pm
During my lunch time surf, I ran across this link. The page is titled, “DAILY REASON TO DISPATCH BUSH”. As I read the 72 “days”, each one left me cheering more and more for “Gee-Dub”. I sent the following email to the author of the site.
Thanks so much for compiling this compelling list. These jewels of information have renewed my steadfast faith in George W and his administration. I’ve linked to your list from my personal blog and will encourage all of my fellow conservatives to do the same.
Of course many of your entries are indictments of FBI and Homeland Security personnel and policies that have nothing to do with the President, but I suppose guilt by association is allowed when you’re campaigning for hate. Hitler and the KKK sure got a lot accomplished that way.
You also site numerous budget cuts to federal programs. Apparently you’ve not done enough budgeting to know that cuts are sometimes necessary to achieve priority missions. You know, little things like economy boosting tax cuts and new technology to keep our soldiers safe.
Isn’t ironic how all the things you hate about Bush make me and tens of millions of other Americans love him all the more?
God bless you and keep up the good work,
Trint Ladd
Go and see for yourself: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/links/bush/
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