Five Little Letters That Could Save Millions of Lives

Please watch this news report and listen very carefully. See if you catch the word that is almost entirely left out.

Clicky clicky for ABC News video.

Did you watch it? You have to watch it first. I’ll wait.

The issue of stem cell research is pretty much out of the news right now. Allow me to refresh your memory. Democrats (in general) have been pushing to keep federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Hollywood loves to have their bleeding-heart fund raisers for embryonic stem cell research. Michael J. Fox has become the poster child for embryonic stem cell research.

Have you caught on yet?

The reason conservatives, like Bush, are against embryonic stem cell research is that it requires a fertilized embryo. That means a viable, human life has to be created and then destroyed in order to collect embryonic stem cells. It’s a pro-life issue. It’s about the sanctity of life. And those who really know what they’re talking about (which excluded everyone in Hollywood) know that embryonic stem cell research is built directly on top of the cornerstone of Row v. Wade. Life is disposable so long as you can come up with a sappy, bleeding-heart reason to dispose of it.

However, there has been zero success in using embryonic stem cells to cure anything.

Despite ABC’s best efforts to use this piece to pump up “stem cell research”, they missed one tiny little five letter word that the local reporter slipped in there. ADULT!

This brave man has experienced miraculous recovery thanks to adult stem cells. That means that stem cells were collected from a living, mature adult human who survived the donation process. You can donate stem cells and walk out of the hospital with no ill effects whereas an embryo is destroyed when the stem cells are collected from it. And there has been huge success in treatments using adult stem cells.

So the next time you hear some pinko lefty crying about how heartless conservatives are for blocking stem cell research and how many people’s lives could be improved, you now have the ammunition to destroy their sappy, psuedo-science, monkey hurlage.

Knowledge is power!!

(Thanks to Danger Dave‘s wife Amber, for passing on the link.)

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