November 11, 2011 - 10:40 am
Once again, I find my blog sadly unattended. Poor poor blog.
And what’s worse is I haven’t really been that busy. I’ve just been distracted. I’ve spent way too much time on Facebook and YouTube (mostly YouTube).
So, what’s to be done? I have a thought. Yesterday was my birthday. Most people make resolutions on New Years Day. I’m going to make one right now. Actually, I’m going to make several.
1) For the next year, until my 39th birthday, I resolve to visit YouTube and Facebook only after 5:00 PM on weekdays. Yeesh. This is going to be really hard. Ok. So I’ll allow myself 30 minutes during lunch. Strictly 30 minutes. How does that sound? Good? Oh, and posting via my cell phone doesn’t count.
2) To replace this bad behavior, I’m going to bring a book to work and read during the down times (project compiling, waiting for debug builds, etc.). As such, I resolve to read all of the Chronicles of Narnia this year.
3) I’ve already started this one, but I resolve, for the next year, to get my lazy butt out of bed early enough so I can walk around the block at least once in the morning before breakfast at least four days a week. If this goes well, I hope to increase the amount of exercise and shed some of the “prosperity” around my middle.
4) I resolve to turn my 1 year Revelation curriculum into a short Bible study, around 8 lessons. Maybe less. (This has been on my ToDo list way too long!)
*Sigh* Ok. This is going to be really tough. I might need some help to stay accountable.