How do you get your movies?

This weekend, we got our first damaged, unplayable DVD from NetFlix. That’s pretty good. Out of a couple dozen DVDs sent to us in unprotected paper envelopes, only one has showed up cracked. I’ve also watched several movies online and watched all of the available episodes of “The Office”, both Brit and Yank. I’d have to say, I really like NetFlix.

It got me thinking. How do you get your movie fix? C’mon all you lurkers out there. I want to see some votes from people other than Ghosty and David. I’ve seen the logs. I know you’re there. Speak up!

(Intercepting your comments ahead of time:) Yes, Ghosty and David. You can still vote too.

What is your primary source for viewing movies?
At the theater. I must have that oily popcorn smell.
At the discount theater. I must have that sticky floor feel.
Big name video rental. 10 million lemmings can’t be wrong.
Mom and pop video store. Just stay away from that room behind the curtain!
Netflix/Blockbuster snail mail club. My movies, my way, eventually.
Purchased DVDs. Walmart’s return policy rawks.
Hollywood is the throne of Satan. I don’t watch movies.
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