[Sorry. No humor today. This one is deadly serious.]
“The Arab Spring” is now the Christian Winter throughout the Middle East, and United States foreign policy is firmly on the side of the Jihad.
Somewhere between a quarter and a half million Coptic Christians (It’s hard to say for sure, because so many have been kidnapped and killed.) have fled Egypt in the two years since Jihadists overthrew the secular government (with Bronco Bomber’s* blessing). Those who remain face torture and death because of their faith.
After the NATO supported overthrow of the (admittedly corrupt) Libyan dictatorship, Jihadists have taken over the country. Now Libyan Christians are tortured to death for the crime of “proselytizing Christianity”.
Before the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and subsequent installment of a “democratically elected,” radical Islamic government, there were 1 million Iraqi Christians. Now there are fewer than 400,000. Many fled. Many were butchered in the name of Islam.
In October of 2010 Jihadists stormed a Baghdad church. The Iraqi military (with US overwatch support) barricaded the doors, essentially locking the sheep in with the wolves. Dozens of Christians, unable to escape, were slaughtered (including babies [warning: graphic video]). The official US account of the attack was a “robbery gone wrong.”
Sadly, many of the Christians fleeing Iraq when to Syria where the government, although certainly corrupt, was secular and thus tolerant of Christians. Now, however, the Arab Spring has spread to Syria. Much of the West, including Bronco Bomber*, are aiding the “freedom fighters” (actually Al Qaeda backed Islamist militias).
The Assad dictatorship in Syria is evil. But now; just as in Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and others; the world must decide the better of two evils: A corrupt dictator or radical Islam. Because the West has become completely blind to religion and religious persecution, they will inevitably side with the Jihadists yet again.
Syrian towns and neighborhoods that have been traditionally Christian for over 1000 years are now devoid of Christians (at least those openly professing their faith). The stories told by Christians fleeing their ancestral homes are chillingly reminiscent of Jesus’ own warnings of persecution.
“We left because they were trying to kill us. They wanted to kill us because we were Christians … Those who were our neighbours turned against us.” (18-year-old , former resident of Homs, Syria)
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.” (Matthew 24:9-10)
“At the end, when we ran away, we went through balconies. We did not even dare go out on the street in front of our house.” (Noura Haddad)
“So when you see the abomination of desolation … flee to the mountains. Let the one who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in his house, and let the one who is in the field not turn back to take his cloak. (Matthew 24:15-18)
Where will it stop? Syria? Lebanon? Jordan? Turkey? Chechnya? The Balkans? Europe? I’m not saying that this is the end of the world. And I’m not even sure I have an answer to the problem of choosing between dictators and Jihadists. I just want my readers to know that there is so much more going on that you will see on Good Morning America or CNN. And there are some things that you need to know. (If you haven’t before, please click the link in my side bar, “TheReligionOfPeace.com “)
Do you know what the Bible says about the End-Times? You need to. (What a convenient segue!) I’m going to teach an in depth study of Revelation at my house this summer. It’s something I’ve known for years I needed to do. I’m getting the word out on Facebook, but I’ll be sure to post dates and times here on SYNS too.
* It occurred to me that I’ve been using the term “Bronco Bomber” for so long, some of you might not know what it means. Just say it out loud, fast, and you should be reminded of a certain political figure.
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