It’s Elastorific!

The Flybar I’ve always wanted to be an inventor. One of the less obvious perks is that you not only get to invent new and wonderful things, you also get to invent new and wonderful words to describe those things.

Case in point: The Flybar

No! This is NOT just another pogo stick. It’s a “fully adjustable elastomeric spring system”.


Are you sure you can say that in public?

I’m going to start using that in ALL my conversations!!

Man! This Freebirds Monster Burrito is elastomeric!

Dude, your 80 horsepower Honda Civic with the coffee can exhaust and four foot aluminum wing is TOTALLY ELASTOMERIC!!

Check out the Flybar official web site (flash intensive). It looks pretty cool, although just watching the videos makes my knee ligaments pop.

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