June 18, 2009 - 9:31 am
For those Bronco fans out there who love to trumpet the Bush administration’s “reckless spending on an unnecessary war” (*cough* Ghosty *cough*), let’s step back and take a look at real facts. I know that’s uncomfortable for people who prefer to argue politics on emotional grounds and rhetoric rather than quantifiable statistics and history, but humor me.
This graph depicts the U.S. budget surplus/deficit since 2000. The right end of the graph shows projected values published by both the Obama White House and the Congressional Budget Office.
You can see how the Clinton “surplus” (which was largely do to Clinton removing Social Security from the equation, i.e. cooking the books) was eaten up right around the time some nut-job Islamofacists crashed airplanes into our financial sector and that evil and scary Bush fella spent a hundred billion here and there trying to strike back.
But then, Bronco Bomber came on the scene and spent exponentially more in six months and plans to spend that much more for years to come. Also, keep in mind that this does not include the current proposed socialized health care, which the CBO is expecting to top $1.6 trillion over ten years.
There’s some idiom about a “glass house” and “throwing stones” but I’m sure it’s not important. Let’s all just be mindful of the facts, mmkay?
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