May 31, 2009 - 11:57 pm
It’s been a while since I gave everyone a good “what’s going on in my life” update. And there is a lot going on!
I’m going to be pulling long hours for a couple more days on my project at work. We’re making some changes that effect almost every area of the code that I work on. I’m sure there will be a lot of debugging and testing in the weeks to come. And I’m prepared, mentally and spiritually, for a few days of chaos when something major breaks on the live servers.
On the home front, Tammy and I spent our first day of real, live, actual house shopping Saturday. Our realtor took us inside about a half dozen homes. We learned what we don’t like more than what we do, but did come away with a couple of hopefuls. We toured one house that was flat out amazing, but is listed well above our target price. If we come back to that one, we’ll have to place a low-ball bid.
The fact that we are house shopping is testimony to the fact that we paid off our debt. That was our goal before buying a home. We paid off somewhere around $40,000 in about seven years. If you want to know how, drop a comment and I’d be glad to fill you in.
Another big event recently was our 10 year wedding anniversary. Memorial Day weekend we went out on the town (despite me battling a cold) and had a great time. (You should have seen some twitter posts on this.) But the real celebration will begin this Thursday. We are taking a couple days off and going on a major trip. It’s only a long weekend (that’s all I can afford to take off work right now), but it’s going to be a blast.
The kicker is that Tammy doesnt’ know where we’re going. She’s not real keen on surprises, but I wanted this to be extra super special. She’s drilled me for weeks trying to catch a hint here and there. She even tried (and failed) to hack into my Expedia account. Relentless!
Check in on Twitter or Facebook Thursday for the big reveal.
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