April 5, 2006 - 1:23 pm
Early this morning, a once in a century event took place. I tried to stay up for it, but I didn’t make it. Did you?!
I’m sure you know what I’m talking about, but for those not in the know, our clocks experienced the following rare event:
01:02:03 04/05/06
Some folks will have to look at that for a minute to figure out the significance. The rest of us will wait for them to “get it”.
Ah! See now?! Isn’t that cool? Oh one, oh two, oh three… Twenty one minutes later, a slightly less cool event took place, which I also slept through:
1:23 4/5/6
Some folks say that you can enjoy this again this afternoon, but that doesn’t really count. Every good geek knows that 1 PM is really just 13 o’clock and there’s nothing cool about 13:02:03… Yeah. I’m a geek. Get over it.
Thanks for sharing this amazing second with me. I look forward to sharing 12:34 5/6/7 with you next year!
(Shamelessly scraped from The Sneeze.)