March 2, 2007 - 12:28 pm
I like George W. Bush. Hate me if you want. I don’t care. That’s the very reason I like him. I like a guy who makes a stand and sticks to it, even when people start throwing tomatoes at him because of it.
It’s called integrity and conviction. I believe what I believe, I know why I believe it, and unless you can show me overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I’m not moving from my position. I live my life that way, and so does Gee Dub.
As a stark counter-point, I offer the good Senator John McCain, captain of the U.S.S. Rino (Republicans In Name Only). Yes, he was a POW in ‘Nam. Kudos and all due respect. But that doesn’t excuse limp-wristed, liberal-minded kowtowing. (See also John Kerry, et al.)
McCain made his big announcement (He’s running for president… duh.) on David Letterman. (Seriously? That’s your target audience, John?) While there, bowing to Dave’s liberal slant, McCain said that the lives lost in Iraq were a waste. That’s a big no-no. And the Dems called him on it. So, less than 24 hours later, he apologized for the comment. See what I mean? I want a president who says what he means and means what he says (even if he has to invent a few words to do it). Strategery!!
In the service of bloggers everywhere, I am coining a new phrase to describe the comment-apology method used by so many politicians to placate both sides of an argument. The term is “Donkey Dance”. The next time you see someone passionately apologizing for their previous passionate statements, just mentally dub in the sound of an ass baying. “Heehaw heehaw!”
What’s most humorous about McCain’s donkey dance is that it was in direct response to the Democrats who’s only reason for inviting him to the dance was that Obama was forced to do the donkey dance for a similar comment. Are you kidding me?!
“We think Sen. McCain should apologize immediately,” said Karen Finney, communications director for the Democratic National Committee. “Sen. Obama apologized. He immediately saw his error,” she said.
So not only did McCain join the dance, the primary reason for it was to appease the democrats who *love* to do the donkey dance, but don’t like to dance alone. Give me a break.
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