September 8, 2010 - 3:07 pm
I’ve never liked McDonald’s. It makes my mouth feel greasy. It makes my stomach feel heavy. It doesn’t taste quite right. There’s just something wrong about it.
When I saw “Super Size Me” a couple of years ago, I didn’t really see it as an attack on Mickey D’s. It did opened my eyes to American food trends in general: Out-of-control serving sizes, massive amounts of calories, sugar, and fat. And certainly McD’s has let the charge. But is there more to it than 44 oz. Cokes and too much salt?
I just found out about several studies into McDonald’s food shelf life. Clicky clicky to see a happy meal that has set out in the open for over a year. Not only has it not decomposed. It has not drawn any pests. Even ants and mice agree that McD’s is gross. The video below shows a four year old happy meal that looks nearly as good as the day it was served (compared to a three month old potato that does not). And here is a whopping 12-year-old McD’s hamburger.
YouTube link
And now, for the craziest of the crazies: A “Burger Museum” featuring McDonald’s sandwiches from every year since 1989. How about a nice, clean, decay free 18 year old hamburger? Sound yummy? No, I didn’t think so.
YouTube link
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