November 10, 2008 - 3:59 pm
Well, no use trying to hide it. I’m 35 today. Half way to 70 if God forces me to live that long.
I’ve never been one to obsess over age. Most often when people try to make me feel old, it only inspires me to act even more immature. But this year, for the first time, I have noticed physical evidence of my mortality. I now have three lines across my forehead that don’t go away when I stop smiling. I also have one gray hair, front and center, that I see every time I look at myself in the mirror.
I’m not falling apart. I’m not freaking out about my age. It’s just that this is the first time my age has actually been visible to me. That’s weird.
That said, this has been a great birthday. I had a psuedo-surprise party (Tammy is the worst liar ever!) with about a dozen of my “chil’ren” yesterday that warmed my heart to no end. Life is very good. Tammy and I are healthy and prosperous. I have nothing to complain about. My blessings transcend all understanding.
Congratulations to the USMC that is 233 years old today (198 years older than me).
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