September 8, 2005 - 9:36 am
While things at work have been very hectic the last few days (Honest, they have!), I have been falling further and further behind on my usual daily reading and even further behind on my blogging. I did manage to pick up on a couple of articles yesterday and wanted to pass them along.
The hurricane has been dominating the news lately. (While I really enjoy Fox News’ political and war coverage, I truely hate their habitual sensationalism.) We’ve seen everyone from Rev. Jesse Jackson to the average Joe sleeping under an over-pass pointing fingers this way and that over Katrina and the resulting devistation. News flash!! George Bush didn’t create this hurricane. I’m not even comfortable calling it an “act of God”. If you know much about theology than you should know that all natural disasters are the result of a sin cursed earth, but I digress.
My hero, Ben Stein, wrote a short column (which you can read here) clearing up the muck of passing the buck for Katrina.
In other non-news, a friend sent me a great article on “Peace Mom” Cindy Sheehan. I know she’s been out of the public eye for a week or so. (Thank God Almighty!) But this was just too good to pass up. Mark Steyn’s piece on the “Peace Mom” is really well written and makes tons of sense. (He fails to mention the rumors I’ve heard about Sheehan calling Bush a “Zionist” and the fact that her sit-in is inspired more by anti-semitism than by pacifism, but, like I said, that’s only a rumor… for now.)
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