February 17, 2005 - 5:09 pm
Well, let’s see what else can go wrong.
Last week, if you recall, I had a bout of insomnia. I’m quite sure this lead to me coming down with a nasty cold on Monday; sinus rebellion, fever, and general nastiness. I stayed home from work on Tuesday and tried to sleep it off. I also missed the first practice for the church’s spring musical. Wednesday, I went to work with less fever, but I was still quite loopy and mentally unfocused. Today, I have no fever, but for some reason, I’m still very groggy and unfocused. Honestly, I feel like I’m drunk, but I’m not even medicated, so there’s no good reason for it.
While at work on Wednesday, my PC freaked out again and kept me from getting any work done all day. It’s been slowing dying for a few weeks now, and keeping the new network administrators on their toes all the while. They finally threw in the towel and started build a new computer for me.
Today I received said computer and started setting it up for my needs, installing this and that. In the mist of my installs, the video card puked. Another hour lost. I finally got to get some work done this afternoon. Once caught up, I thought I’d check on the blog. Well, what do you know, I can’t log in. Grrr.
Keep in mind, I’m still only half here mentally. This cold still has my brain working on auxiliary power for some reason. So, I decided there must be something wrong with my installation of WordPress. I went ahead and upgraded my install to the latest version available on Fantastico (the service BlueHost uses to provide nice applications like WordPress).
This did not fix my log in problem, but did do a nice job of overwriting all my style changes. I was able to strong-arm the database for WordPress to get my password fixed and get me logged back in. I was also able to find an old back-up of my CSS files and PHP template, although these back-ups do not have the latest and greatest. I am still missing my WBQotW on the menu. I’m hoping I can find a newer version of my template at home, maybe in my browser cache.
I had hoped to make a couple of posts about current events in the news, but now I’ve eaten up what time I had left today. Now, I have to get home and get to spring musical rehearsal. I just hope I don’t get pulled over, because I’m fairly sure I would fail a field sobriety test.
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