Tell your soldiers how you feel!

I found this article on this morning. Wow. Please take a few minutes to read it.

Our brave soldiers, and the rest of the world, are getting a horribly jaded view of the war in Iraq from American media. Thank God that the majority of Americans are not buying in to the liberal media’s hateful spin.

In brief, a wounded Marine called in to a talk radio show to share how he and his comrades were scared to death about the reception they would get in the U.S. based on the media coverage they were seeing in the hospital. They honestly believed that they would face the same persecution that Viet Nam vets came home to.

We saw what the media was saying about what’s going on, and we were worried about what we were actually going to face when we came home. We didn’t know what to expect, to be honest with you. From the news media we were seeing, the whole country was basically telling us we’re a bunch of jerks.

What’s going to happen? What will we be facing? Is it going to be like the Vietnam era, are there going to be people spitting at us?

Fortunately, he didn’t come home to insults and protests. He came home to an airport full of grateful applause (a month before the super bowl commercial).

If you know a soldier, let them know that America loves them for what their doing. If you don’t know a soldier, you can find one.

Show a soldier that we love them.

(P.S. If you run into any Viet Nam vets, tell them you love them too, and apologize for the crap the hippy generation morons put them through. Funny, that’s the same group of people who are running the current media smear campaign.)

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