July 9, 2009 - 9:07 am
Boy, I sure am glad that Bronco Bomber bailed out commandeered the auto industry and saved it from bankruptcy.
Oh wait. That’s right. The bankruptcy happened anyway, and is much worse that it would have been, with the unions that killed it now owning a controlling interest. Nevermind.
Well, at least the banking industry was saved by the bail out buy out. Wait, what? Banks are still going under? Bronco’s Tres. Sec won’t let the successful banks pay back the money they didn’t want in the first place? And the bad banks that received billions don’t even know where the money went? Hrmm.
Surely then, Bronco’s stimulus package saved American jobs, like he promised. (The blue graph was published by the White House in its pitch for the “Recover Plan.” The red line was added to show the actual results so far.)

Well, nuts. Looks like Bronco is not working out so well. Gee. Who’d have thunk it? Apparently, more and more are figuring it out. (Index to -8 and dropping like a rock.)

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