December 16, 2010 - 10:18 am

I just want to extend my thanks to all the folks who’ve been asking about my mom. The short answer is, “She’s doing great.” For the long answer… the very long answer, here is my sister’s latest blog post.
“I’m so confused. Should I keep crying?” — Kendra Kay Spaw (granddaughter on Monday 12/6)
That’s how many of us felt when Sandra (Mom) kept waking up each morning after her prediction of imminent death by brain bleed. It’s been ten grateful mornings now.
Mom had a CAT scan done in La Grange on Monday. Today, Wednesday, Dad, Mom, and I (Sabra) met with Dr. Melear in Smithville. The news is good.
The blood in her cerebellum (lower brain near the spinal cord) appears on the scan like it did before, though about a centimeter smaller. That means 1) it is reducing, probably being absorbed slowly (yeah!) and 2) it is still hiding the cause of the bleed (boo!).
Because a tumor generally absorbs the contrast used during the scan, it can be seen more readily. Since the doctor didn’t see that, 1) it might not be there at all (yeah!) or 2) it is there (boo!) but so small that it couldn’t hold enough contrast to be seen (yeah!). If it is that small, it is too small for radiation treatment (yeah!). In addition, Dr. Melear thinks that a brain tumor would be odd since colon cancer does not usually lead to cancer in the brain, particularly in the cerebellum (yeah!).
Since this head experience began, Mom has been on a strong dose of steroids. Dr. Melear is ready to get Mom off of them to avoid related symptoms. Mom’s face is getting plumper, and she has a voracious appetite now–a total 180 on appetite. Jokes are abounding at the house between Aunt Debbie, Grandma, and Dad about, for example, Mom having a fork in hand ready for a meal and all the chocolate Kisses wrappers that fall out of the van when I open the door. In my opinion, she’s getting spoiled with everyone meeting her demands. “Leave my chocolate alone! I’m only 117 pounds–I can eat!” Unfortunately for her, Mom will be spending a day or so at my house–and we both know spoiling won’t happen. “Say please” and “Here’s some carrot juice,” Sabra says. (I’m kidding here–a little.)
Regarding the steroids, Dr. Melear has told Mom to reduce and eventually stop taking the steroids and Nexium over this next week. The steroids did a good job of reducing brain inflammation, and she doesn’t seem to need them anymore unless inflammation comes back, indicated by a headache. If she gets a headache, we need to call the doctor quickly.
Mr. Melear confirmed that Mom had a mild stroke due to the bleed. A stroke can happen 1) from a clot stopping blood flow, causing a part of the brain to die or 2) a bleed (aneurysm) prohibiting the brain from getting its necessary blood, causing a part of the brain to die. Mom’s case was probably the second. This accounts for Mom’s mild struggle with her right side’s balance and motor skills, forming words or using the right words, and dizziness (boo!) (although she can now look right and left with no problem–yeah!). Yet, those problems can be overcome with neural rehab (yeah!).
So the doc and Dad are researching where that rehab could happen, Reliant in Round Rock where she did in-patient rehab after the car accident or Regency in Schulenberg where she did her out-patient rehab. Dr. Melear said that initially professional rehab would be good, but eventually Dad and I could learn it and help her at home.
The next step is to continuing to live and improve since nothing is proven to be wrong (yeah!). Another CAT scan has been scheduled in La Grange for January 3 of brain, chest, and abdomen as preventative health check. The follow-up consult will be January 12 with Dr. Melear. On January 8-9, Mom and Dad are hosting at their horse ranch a Texas Trail Challenge (TCC–competitive horse trail riding) judges’ clinic (yeah!).
Mom’s response: “Positive! I don’t mind to reduce medication and wait to see if I get strong.” She hopes to get back to using the walker. Dad says, “Sandra is optimistic and looking forward to getting better and stronger. We are thankful for all the prayers and concerns. We are living day by day.”
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