Today’s Non-News

In news that would only surprise people who’ve been living in a fallout shelter since the 1950’s (and maybe a few supercilious journalists), yet another study has been released documenting MSM‘s love affair with Democrats.

This time, Harvard University, <sarcasm>bastion of conservative ideology</sarcasm> , and a few other like-minded think tanks conducted a comprehensive survey of political coverage among newspapers, network and cable news, and even public broadcasting. The results are… not news.

Media Tone of Coverage You can read an analysis at Investor’s Business Daily, or see the complete data break down at, but here are the highlights.

In print, 6 in 10 stories about Democratic candidates have a positive bias, while less than 3 in 10 stories on Republicans show them in a positive light. On the other side of the coin, newspapers published negative stories about Republicans four times as often as they did Democrats.

I think the number that struck me the most and surprised me the least was that, while seeming to be the most “centered”, public broadcasting aired only eight percent of it’s stories praising Democrats and … get this … zero positive stories on Republicans. Yeah… zero.

The MSM‘s Democratic concupiscence is not only apparent in the way they raz Republicans. It’s also in the amount of air and ink devoted to Democrats in general. Positive, neutral or negative, Democrats get approximately 50% of all media coverage. Republicans get around 25%. Hillary and Obama together have had more media coverage than all Republicans combined. This is even true in talk radio, long considered the point of origin for the “vast right-wing conspiracy”.

Getting into the finer points, I was utterly un-shocked to learn that CNN topped the list as the most Republican hostile cable network. I was honestly a teeny tiny bit surprised to find that MSNBC was the most positive toward Republicans; rather than FoxNews. But then again, MSNBC was also the most positive toward Democrats, so maybe their just a little happier in general now that Couric is gone.

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