July 21, 2005 - 8:51 am
The New York Times reports that clever, humorous or even biting satirical t-shirts “have suddenly become the hipster’s preferred mode of expression.”
Suddenly?! Dude, I so hate New Yorkers. Just because they have “discovered” something new to them, they assume it’s new to the whole world. Where were they in 1989 when I started wearing freaky t-shirts (and even designing and producing my own)!? My old friend Galyn and I used to dazzle our summer school class mates with our bizarre fair of t-shirt madness. Ahh, those were the days! “Big Spotted Hoodoos” and “Fat Ugly Hula Girls”. I think I still have my hula girl shirt. I’ll dig it out and get a digi pic as soon as I get home! Then I’ll have to update this post with it, so check back later!!
The t-shirt trends have meandered through history, but they are no more potent now than they were back in my day (or even earlier, lest we forget the t-shirts of the sixties and seventies). In fact, many of today’s t-shirt “giants” are nothing more than unapologetic rip-offs of the previous generation. Charlatans!!
So, New Yorkers (and all you teenagers) who think you’re so groovy for “discovering” hip t-shirts, I have only one thing to say to you… PBPBPBBPBPBPBBPBPP!!!!
Here is the complete article. (It requires a log in. It’s free to register, but you can use mine: darkmanwork@hotmail.com / nytsucks)
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