August 24, 2009 - 9:25 am
The to-do list at the house is getting shorter every day. But it’s still pretty long.
This weekend…
Hung the climbing wall. (Hooray!)
Parked one car in the garage. (Double Hooray!!)
Took delivery of the “snuggler” and end table, the last of our living room furniture.
Hung the whiteboard in the office.
Purchased and used electric hedge trimmer to cut the bushes away from the front windows. (They were scratching into the window screens.)
Purchased and used lawn mower and weed whacker to manicure the lawns.
Purchased and used a garden hose to bring some life back to the flora until we get time to figure out the sprinkler system.
And I swear it was completely by accident (or perhaps subconscious nurosis) that I bought a yellow garden hose that matches *both* of our yellow cars. (Cell phone pic.)

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