Ooh la la

In honor of the unofficial beginning of summer, I give you this week’s white board quip. It’s from a not-to-well thought out swim wear advertisement.

Our bikinis are exciting. They are simply the tops.

Where the heck are my pants?
So much to say…

…so little time. The last few days leave me with a salmagundi of stories and wit I’d like to share, and yet, it’s already a short work week and I’ve got plenty to do. Ah, well. The old blogging will just have to come as it can. I just wanted to whet your appetite a little. There’s much to come in the next week or so, including movie reviews and some great stories and links.

Hope you all had a great Memorial Day. Hug a vet today!

Happy Towel Day!

It’s May 25th. Happy Towel Day!

What? You don’t know what Towel Day is? (Okay, neither did I until I read The Sneeze today. Fortunate for me, I really DO always have a towel at hand.*) It’s a day to celebrate the late great Douglas Adams, creator of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

The Towel Day page explains the holiday (and the towel thing*). I recommend you read it. I also recommend you read Steve’s Sneeze post about D. Adams. And if you’re really looking to geek out today, go check out the HHGG text game from the mid-80s reborn as a web game.

* Seriously! There’s one in my desk for when I ride my bike to work. There’s one in my truck because I have a leaky back window. And, I keep a few around the house, just in case.

I loves me some campin’!

Last weekend, we went camping! Yes! Really! Camping! I KNOW!

I’ve got the pictures and story written up, but it’s really long, so I put it in a separate page.

It was an awesome trip and I have to send out much love and thanks to Haven, Kaela, Miranda, Chris, and Andy. Let’s do this again… in November, when it’s not so friggin’ hot!

No. No. No. No. No.

This is so wrong. Wronger than wrong. Wrongest! Eww! Icky-poo yucky-ville.

MARSEILLES, France — Skirt-chasing playboy Daniel Anceneaux, calling himself “The Prince of Pleasure”, spent weeks chatting with a sensual woman on the Internet, going by the name “Sweet Juliette”. The two were genuinely falling for each other.

“The conversations even got a little racy a couple of times. But I really started to fall for her, because there seemed to be a sensitive side that you don’t see in many girls. She sent me poems she had written and told me about her dreams and desires, and it was really very romantic,” the chat room Casanova said.

She even sent him a picture: a super hot, barely clothed model that just happened to be featured in a men’s magazine.

He finally got up the courage to arrange a romantic rendezvous at a remote beach.

“I walked out on that dark beach thinking I was going to hook up with the girl of my dreams. And there she was, wearing white shorts and a pink tank top, just like she’d said she would. But when I got close, she turned around — and we both got the shock of our lives. I mean, I didn’t know what to say. All I could think was, ‘Oh my God! it’s Mama!'”

That’s right. This playboy hooked is own mom! But it got worse. Just as the mortified mother and son realized the error of their ways, a patrolman passed by and cited them for visiting a restricted beach after dark. And, since police reports are a matter of public record, a local TV station got hold of it.

“The next thing we knew, our picture and our story was all over the 6 o’clock news. People started pointing and laughing at us on the street — and they haven’t stopped laughing since,” said mom Nicole.

And what about Dad? Paul, Nicole’s husband of 27 years, wasn’t too happy when the story hit the news and his beer-drinking buddies made him the butt of their jokes.

“Dad was ticked for a while and he forbid Mom to talk to anybody on the Internet ever again,” said embarrassed Daniel.

*Groan* Why, oh why, do people think that chat room romances are a good thing?!

You’re So Vain

It’s been far too long since I last offered up a good conversation enhancement. Shame on me.

You know that I am all about verbing words that aren’t really verbs (like I just did there) and creating new words incorporating modern technology (aka geeking the language). Well, I ran across this one today that I have promptly added to my personal vernacular.

narcissurfing \NAR-sis-SURF-ing\, verb:
To google one’s self in order to ascertain one’s internet popularity or “net score”.

I’ve done it. Have you? Aww, c’mon. We know you have. Don’t lie.

WBQotW #66

I’m sure I’ve experienced this at work.

Deja Moo: The feeling that you’ve heard this bull before.

BTW, Happy Anniversary, Angel!!

Music Shuffle Game

Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question. No cheating. Put yes or no if the answer is right or wrong.

How am I feeling today?
Away From You – O.C. Supertones
Heh. Kinda like I need some alone time? Not really, but it’s a funny answer.
Will I get far in life?
Adonai – O.C. Supertones
I’ll get exactly as far as God leads me. Good answer.
How do my friends see me?
Cool Enough For You – Five Iron Frenzy
When will I get married?
Numb – U2
I have no idea what that means.
What’s my theme song?
Bad – U2
Aww. I’m not that bad.
What is the story of my life?
Van Diemen’s Land – U2
Swing and a miss.
How can I get ahead in life?
Vultures – Five Iron Frenzy
Well, if you don’t mind eating rotting carcasses and trash, you sure could save a lot of money!
What is my best feature?
Star Spangled Banner – U2
Umm… *shrug*
How is today going to be?
Where the Streets Have No Name – U2
Yeah, that didn’t really work, did it?
What is in store for this weekend?
She Moves in Mysterious Ways – U2
Ooh Laa Laa! (BTW We are going camping this weekend.)
What is my life like at the moment?
Helter Skelter – U2
You know it, brother!
What song describes my secrets?
It’s So Hot – Five Iron Frenzy
Ooh, wouldn’t you like to know.
What is my current lover like?
One Girl Army – Five Iron Frenzy
Heck yeah she is!
What song will they play at my funeral?
Gloria – U2
That’d be nice. A little Gregorian chant sung to driving rock. Sweet.
How does the world see me?
Running to Stand Still – U2
Does that hit the nail on the head or what?!
Will I have a happy life?
Peace On Earth – U2
Peace is much more important than happiness.
What do my friends really think of me?
Trash, Trampoline and the Party Girl – U2
Wow. Do you guys really think I’m a party GIRL?!
Do people secretly lust after me?
Canada – Five Iron Frenzy
Gee! The whole country lusts after me? Well, I can see that. I am smokin’ hot.
Will I accomplish my goals in life?
Attitude – O.C. Supertones
I’m not sure that makes sense.
Will I find true love?
Hold on the Jesus – O.C. Supertones
How do I treat others?
With Or Without You – U2
“I can’t live with or without you.” Hmm. No, I don’t think I treat anybody that way.

Disclaimer: I did this twice because the first time, only about two answers made sense. Maybe I am bad after all.

I got this from one of our kids’ blogs. Hope you don’t mind, Michelle.

It could be worse!

I am Geek. There is no question about that. But I am not nearly as Geek as I could be. In case you need any proof of that…

I did not have a Klingon wedding.

Klingon Wedding

I did not have a renaissance wedding.

Renaissance Wedding

And I do not own a 20-sided die, much less one on a ring.

You can click on the D20 ring image, if you feel you must own one for yourself. They also sell a D12 if your hands are too dainty for the D20 (which, if you think you need one, is probably true).

Site Outage

You may have seen the following when trying to surf my site lately:

Site Down

The site was down for a little while because BlueHost was moving it to a new server as part of a free upgrade. Free?! Shyeah free!

Can I just tell you BlueHost rocks? Okay, cuz they do. I paid $6.95 a month (24 months up-front, about $170) for this service and they’ve upgraded it for free. Now I get 15 Gb or storage and 400 Gb/month of bandwidth, not to mention 50 databases, 25 domains and 20 subdomains, and 2500 email addresses. The web admin rocks. The service rocks (I usually get replies to service emails in about an hour.) and they have all kinds of great tools bundled into the service with one-click installs (including WordPress, the software that this blog runs on). Granted I only use a tiny fraction of all that, but it is growing. (I’m hosting a total of five web sites right now, and a sixth is on the way.) And I have no worries about running out of space or bandwidth.

Yaaay BlueHost! If you want to sign up, just crick here!

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