The Future is Now

Tomorrow begins 2008. Two-Thousand Eight!! We’re well into the 21st century people! I’ve always enjoyed those far-out forecasts of what life will be like in the future. (I’m still waiting for my flying car, dang it.) However, as technology advances all around me, I find myself more and more often blurting out, “That is so Star Trek!!”

Once again, I have bent the rules on English. Before I turned Google into a verb. Now I’ve turned Star Trek into an adjective.

This phrase first entered my lexicon when I walked in on a coworker reading Lord of the Rings as an eBook on his PDA. Because, seriously, Captain Picard always read books and reports on a little, hand-held computer screen. (Someone PLEASE send me a picture of this.) Now, right here in my own life time, I can do the same thing. That’s unbelievable. That’s Star Trek!!

I think it’s healthy for us to look back once in a while and see just how far we’ve come. That gives us the ability to make much better predictions about where we’re going. I found this great forward thinking movie from 1956 on YouTube. (In a 1956 frame of mind, YouTube is incredibly Star Trek!) The best thing about this old flick is how many things they got right. Here are my favorite (follow along as you watch the video):

  • Automatic lighting on highways. (00:29)
  • Heated bridges reduce black ice. (00:40)
  • Cadillac’s “Night Vision” (2000) was improved upon last year by Mercedes and BMW. (00:53)
  • In dash navigation systems now incorporate traffic reports. (01:06)
  • Rear view cameras.
  • “Care Flight” helicopter ambulance service. (01:31)
  • Suburbia and long distance commuting (02:42)
  • Interstate highways. (03:00)
  • “Synchronized scanning map” again answered by in dash nav system. (03:33)
  • Increased leisure time and RV’s with “all the comforts of home”. (04:55)
  • Amphibious RV. (05:35)
  • Shipping containers transition from ship, to train, to truck. (But not yet rockets. *wink*) (05:44)
  • And don’t forget the smog! Subtly added at the end around 08:21.

Here’s another great “future” video. “The Future Is Now” – 1950. From personal video cameras to guided missiles, microwave ovens to solar panels. These guy’s nailed it.

2007… It was a very good year.

So here we are marking the arbitrary point in Earth’s orbit once again. Time to contemplate life looking behind and ahead.

While 2006 only ranked as “ok”, I’d have to say 2007 was a good year for me. I’ve made advances in almost every aspect of my life. Here are some of the highlights and lowlights of my year.

  • Took on more of a leading role at church…
  • Survived a flooded apartment. (New carpet and furniture arrive in January 2008.)
  • Took a great vacation to Colorado and climbed Pikes Peak… almost.
  • Lost a great co-working in Dave, but took over as team lead and moved to the corner office.
  • Started WeightWatchers and lost about 15 pounds so far (which surpasses my goal set last January).
  • Coordinated a couple of really great volunteer/relief efforts, including Adam Page’s chocolate drive.
  • I would say (and I hope she would agree) that Tammy and I have strengthened our marriage this year.

Now it’s time for me to set some goals for 2008. I met two of the seven goals I set in December of 2006. That’s good for me. I tend to set my goals pretty high. That way, even if I don’t achieve them, I’ve pushed myself in the effort. Here’s a few of my 2008 goals:

  • Pass at least three Microsoft certification tests.
  • Memorize 52 new Bible verses.
  • Ride the entire North Shore mountain bike trail in a single day.
  • Read four non-fiction and two fiction books.
  • 200 pounds.

So here’s to 2008. May it be a good year for us all.

2007 sure was great,
But now it’s time for 2008.
I’m sure ’08 will be just fine,
But not as good as 2009!

American Awesome

I just want to say this before the phenomenon sweeps the nation for a second time.

I witnessed American Gladiators when it premiered back in 1989. It was all about guts, sweat, glory and tight tank tops with short shorts… on guys.

This is what 21st century game shows were supposed to look like! Back then, the future was looking bright and I was confident that by 2001 we’d be watching Monday Night Rollerball. Sadly that never happened. Instead we ended up with Fear Factor and Survivor. Oh, poor baby has to eat a bug… Bogus!!

Here’s hoping this new generation will follow through.

Now Seriously…

It’s very unlikely that I’ll be posting anything during Christmas. I’ll be back around next Wednesday. Until then, my God richly bless you and have a wonderfully merry Christmas.

Peace out!

Merry Pancha Ganapati!

An interview with myself concerning the “Holidays”:

Q: Would it make me happy if the whole world came to follow Jesus Christ and celebrated Christmas?

A: Sure.

Q: Am I crazy enough to believe that that will ever happen?

A: Of course not. I teach a series on Revelation every year and I am confident that this world (as a whole) will never accept Christ, even according to His own book!

Q: Should we all quit trying to evangelize the world?

A: No! As a Christian, my number one priority should be evangelism.

Q: So if I meet someone who isn’t interested in accepting Jesus, should I shun them, hate them, kill them, or fart in their general direction?

A: No!! Jesus taught us to love our enemies. That is to say, just because we don’t agree doesn’t mean we have to fight about it. I’ll just continue to live the way God directs me to live let the testimony of my daily life give authenticity and verisimilitude to my evangelism. Besides, we are blessed to live in a country where all of us are free to worship as we please.

Q: If my friend invites me to a pagan blood letting ceremony should I go?

A: Only if you’ve done your homework and you know what all is involved in the ceremony. I probably wouldn’t go to a pagan blood letting ceremony because 1) it might be rude or awkward if I have to refuse to participate in some part of the ceremony because it conflicts with my own beliefs and 2) I hate giving blood.

Q: So should I tell my friend that his religion is “all lies” and that he’s going to Hell?

A: I don’t think that would achieve the desired effect. Better to maintain your friendship and just be honest about your own faith without insulting his.

Q: What does verisimilitude mean?

A: Look it up!

Merry Pancha Ganapati and Happy New Year!


Only five shopping days left until “Holiday”!!

My Crystal Ball

[Editor’s Note: I wrote this a few days ago. I’ve now come up with two likely outcomes, but I don’t want to seem like I’m betting on both horses in a two horse race. Thus I’m posting this one unaltered. I may post my other theory later.]

I’m one of those guys that likes to predict things. Tammy gets pretty aggravated at me when we watch movies or TV because so often I’ll tell he how the show is going to end after only watching the first ten minutes. (My opinion on the vacuity of Hollywood writers’ talent is well documented.) What really makes her mad is that I’m usually right. Example:

During the first commercial break…

Me: Do you want to know what happens?

Her: No!

Me: Ok… Then I won’t tell you that that blonde girl is going to be a total jerk to the new kid, but the rest of the school will rally around him and the blonde girl will end up hated by everyone. Then she’ll realize what a jerk she was and there will be a big hugging scene and maybe a musical number were they all make friends. Oh, and that not-as-cute brunette? She’ll get the guy.

Her: Shut up!

After the show ends…

Me: (With a smug grin on my face.) That’s what I figured.

She: I hate you.

Now, go back with me into the mists of time. Back to the days of the Kenneth Star report and the Monica Lewinsky scandal. This was in early 1998. When Slick Willy finally confessed to America what he’d been up to (“Confessed” is used here loosely since all of America already knew.) Tammy asked me if I thought Hillary would dump the scum bag.

In a moment of pure clairvoyances I said no. “She can’t leave him now. She’s been shoving him up the political ladder for 20 years. She won’t give up on him until she’s the president. Then maybe she’ll leave him.”

What’s really amazing about that statement is that it was made two full years before Hillary entered public service for the first time as a New York senator.

Here’s another example. This one happened on opening day of the first LotR movie in December of 2001. There was a preview for “Collateral Damage”, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. I told a coworker, “You know, Arnold is going to president someday.” Granted it would require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but still. This was two years before Arny ran for and was elected The Governator.

So with my track record established here, I want to make some predictions. This time, though, the I hope I’m wrong.

There’s something about our current economy that just doesn’t make sense. The economy is still growing. Despite the media’s constant doom and gloom message over the last couple of years. Despite retardedly high oil prices. Despite two wars that have dragged on for five years and removed tens of thousands of reservists from the economy. Despite a housing market that is so inflated and out of whack it’s a wonder anyone in California actually owns a home. Despite the current, slow but certain collapse of the mortgage industry. And despite a dollar that is about to take a real nose-dive in the international market.

I’d love to say that it’s all thanks to Bush’s tax cuts. I think those helped for sure, but I can’t accept that as the sole explanation.

So anyway. Here’s my prediction:

I’d love for Huckabee to get the republican nod, but regardless of who she runs against, Hillary will be the democratic candidate and the Clinton War Machine will do what it does best and turn every mote in the eye of her opponent into a mountain while somehow ignoring the forest of planks in her own eyes. The election will be close, but this time the old Clinton democrats will edge out the conservative base.

With Pelosi (or someone similar) running congress, Hillary will be able to repeal all of Bush’s tax cuts as well as bloat the budget with all sorts of socialist programs. I’m not sure she’ll get her health care dreams, but she’ll do enough. She’ll also yank the troops out of Iraq as quick as she can.

The good news is that by the time she can get the troops out, the “Surge” will have run its course, and the war will be winding down anyway. Iraq will not be stable, but it won’t come crashing down as the last U.S. cargo plane lifts off from Baghdad.

The bad news is that her tax hikes will burst whatever thinly stretched bubble is keeping the economy buoyant. The dollar will genuinely crash along with the housing market and the stock market. Oil, because it’s globally traded using the dollar, will go through the roof. “Recession” is probably not strong enough a word to describe the U.S. economy that will follow. In 2010, republicans will surge back into congress and produce gridlock for two years before we manage to be rid of the Clintons once and for all.

Pretty grim, eh? Let’s start praying now that I’m wrong.

[Ed: As I said above. I have developed another theory that’s much less gloomy, but I’m not sold on it yet. Pray anyway!]

Enlightenment Attained?

I can’t explain how it is that I have never looked up “FNORD” before. It showed up on the whiteboard in our office break room a few weeks ago and I kept telling myself to go look it up (seeing as how I’m endlessly curious about odd words and their origins). But I always forgot about it by the time I got back to my desk.

Then today, I saw it in the sidebar of Ghosty’s blog. So I looked it up right away. Turns out it’s been around for ages! How could it be that I never noticed it before? The only explanation that makes sense is that I was brainwashed by the Illuminati!! They conditioned me to subconsciously ignore the word!!

So why can I see it now? Isn’t it obvious? I’ve attained enlightenment and overcome the Illuminati’s brainwashing.

(If you don’t know what FNORD is all about, then you’ve probably not reached my level of mental superiority. Keep trying… or just google it. *wink*)

WBQotW #120

Another good “ever wonder”.

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!

Now, I do have an engineering degree, so please don’t waste both our time explaining the physics behind this one.

The Architect

I know this guy.

He went to Harvard, but only squeaked by with a D+ average. He dropped out of law school. He dropped out of divinity school. He has no formal education in any scientific field. He has made numerous grand and self-exalting claims, all of which have proven untrue.

So what could a guy like that amount to? Not much, right? Well, actually he’s Nobel Prize winner and former Vice President of the United States.

“I took the initiative in creating the internet.”
– Al Gore

Only in America.

P.S. I was looking for a good synonym to “braggart” to describe Mr. Gore but the best word offered is a bit too PG-13 for this blog. I’ll give you a hint. It has to do with the male bovine digestive system.

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