January 4, 2008 - 10:21 am
She finished third! I can’t believe it. Third!
Hillary spent $20 million on her Iowa campaign, about the same amount that the Bronco Bomber spent, and yet she lost to Edwards who spent less that $6 million. She campaigned her butt off. The Media (with a big “M”) fluffed her at every turn. And still she came in third!! This is the best Christmas present I’ve ever gotten in January.
What I love about Hillary is her disgusting, grinch-like, touch-me-not, self righteousness. After coming in third, here’s her sound bite (emphasis added):
“I want the people of America, and particularly Democrats, and like-minded independents and Republicans who have seen the light to understand … that the stakes are huge, that the job is enormous, but that I believe we’re going to make the right decision.”
Yes ma’am. I agree. We are going to make the right decision. The Iowans already did. The rest of us are just waiting our turn. Can you believe her gall? Those “who have seen the light” are, in her mind, people who see her as some shining star of political omnipotence in spite of the termites in her smile. She really is worse than a sea-sick crocodile.
And OBTW, in case you hadn’t noticed, my man Mike beat the pants off of Mr. Boston Millionaire Liberal-In-Sheep’s-Clothing. (That’s Mitt Romney, in case you weren’t sure.)
Now, let’s have a little perspective. Winning Iowa is not winning the White House. Many have won Iowa early and faded later in the race. But if you consider the wealth of media coverage and the lack of money spent, Huck is doing awesome. I’m also glad to see that Fred fared pretty well, tying for third with McCain (who’s a RINO like Romney). I think he’d make a stellar VP.
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