Wheezin’ The Juuuuice

This is an actual, non-photochopped photo from a pro-Palestinian rally in New York Monday.

Dude! Why is everybody hatin’ on the juice? (For those of you who did not wear diapers in the 90’s, here’s a little flash back.) All we want is to wheez the juice!!

Step Away From The Keyboard!

(Warning: Web-geek content. Non-technical personnel need not bother reading this post.)

I read about a new CSS framework (still in beta) that’s supposed to help you standardize your site and make CSS management easier. That’s great. But heres what makes it blog worthy.

“SenCSs stands for Sensible Standards CSS Framework, but if you want, you can pronounce it ‘sense’, which makes it sound pretty cool.”

SenCSs stands for … wait, what? S.S.C.S.S.F. and you came up with SenCSs??! See. This is why engineer types (like me) have such a hard time taking art types seriously.

Dude! You can’t go just making up non-acronyms like that just because it “sounds pretty cool.” Come on!!

“Hi. My name is Kevin, spelled G-I-W-7-@-Y-[clicking noise].”

“Nice to meet you Kevin. You must be an art major. Here’s your paper hat. Don’t touch the hot fry grease, mkay?”

Seriously though, check out SenCSs and see if it makes SENSE for your site.

In Short…

I’m often guilty of talking too much. I know, I know. Hard to believe, but it’s true. When I tell stories, I tend to spend too much time on trivialities. When I do movie reviews, I tend to take three paragraphs to say, “This movie sucks.”

So here is the perfect example of what I need to strive for: Shortest movie review ever!

Shortest movie review ever
WBQofW #162

This seemed like the perfect white board quip for the week after Christmas.

I bought some batteries, but they weren’t included. So I had to buy them again.
– Steven Wright

Merry Christmas!!

Yes. Yes it was. Thanks for asking.

Today is Boxing Day. The weather in Dallas was very… Dallasy. Muggy, windy, and nearly 80 degrees. So, we spent most of the day indoors, enjoying every minute of our “us” time.

For Christmas, St. Nick surprised Tammy with a Wii. I did capture her ecstatic proclamation on video (“We got a ‘weewee’!!”) but I doubt it will ever see publication. *wink* We did go out and do a little shopping to find Mario Kart. We played Wii sports, Mario Kart, and Lego Batman with great relish. (And yes, both of us are feeling the wee effects of Wii sports. I’m too young to be this old.) As I type this, Tammy is in the other room virtually cursing and virtually throwing her virtual clubs into the virtual lake. (“No! Too hard! Oh no! Not in the trees!! STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!”)

I got a plethora of t-shirts, some not even from my wish-list! I also got a professional tripod to get my photography “tack sharp.”

Tammy made a feast fit for a king and we’ve been enjoying the leftovers: ham, stuffing, and green bean casserole, plus pie and cake!

Speaking of pie and cake, I’ve spent the last month diligently preparing for my new years bulge battle. I figure if I “pad” my numbers before the 1st, then I can brag of losing more weight! Pad… get it? Literally!!

We also made two trips to the movies. Bolt was “so awesome” (Once you see it, that line will make you giggle.) And Despereaux was inspired. Seriously. Reviews to follow.

Now, I’ve got some actual work to do, which I am procrastinating on at this very second. Need to prepare a few Sunday school lessons and nail down plans for the youth New Years Eve parties.

Underneath It All

Sometimes, for Christmas, I get “fun” underwear. You know, Sponge Bob boxers or something that plays music or has a silly message. The problem is I never get to share the joke.

What’s the point of wearing your favorite rocketship underpants if nobody ever asks to see them?
– Calvin

Another Busy Friday

Today, I finally had some time to download all the video from my camera. There’s lot’s of holiday stuff on there, the 70’s Thanksgiving youth party, Thanksgiving in Amarillo (including a trip to Arnold’s you don’t want to miss) and Tammy and I decorating for Christmas.

It’s been a nutty holiday season for me. I can’t believe it’s almost over. I’m working at the church for a few hours tonight, then about five hours tomorrow morning, a youth party tomorrow night, church on Sunday, and a teacher’s party Sunday night. I doubt I’m going to have time to edit this new footage.

I know the excuses are getting old, but I really can’t wait to get it up and posted. It’s burning a hole in my… harddrive… I don’t think that makes sense.

It’s not just sick. It’s a sickness!

I hope you watched the Mona Lisa Project video I linked to yesterday. Yesterday the news broke that Planned Murderhood fired the employee from the first video, because, of course, this was an isolated incident, yada, yada, not policy, blah, blah, lies, lies lies.

Today, the project released a second video, featuring a second Planned Murderhood clinic, filmed in a different town on the same day as the first, and not one, but two employees pretending to ignore the ages claimed by the undercover girl.  “I don’t want to know the age.” This comes from both employees when the girl claims to 13 and empregnated by a 31-year-old “boyfriend.”

“We don’t really care about … the age of the boyfriend. It’s consensual. It’s your choice.”

Wow. At 13? It’s consensual? It’s your choice? These people are either completely stupid, or purely evil.

Story via Hot Air, with video.

Just Sick

Ya know, if we could just go one day without bad news

A UCLA student (that means adult) posed as a 13-year-old girl claiming to be pregnant at the hands of a 31-year-old man. (Yes, very disturbing, but fortunately not true in this case.) She brought a hidden camera into an Indiana Planned Murderhood clinic and caught the clinic nurse on tape advising this girl, who she believed to be a pregnant 13-year-old, to lie and break state law to get an abortion and avoid prosecution for the adult “boyfriend.”

Sick, people. Just plain sick.

The nurse was fired by PP, but the Indiana Attourney General may still press charges against Planned Parenthood.

This was only part of the larger “Mona Lisa Project”, exposing PP‘s pattern of scoff-law behavior and manipulation of minors to feed its abortion machine. (See the Mona Lisa Project’s website and scroll down to “Timeline”.)

Your tax dollars at work? You betcha. PP gets over $300 million a year of your money (and turns a $100 million profit).

Don’t let anyone tell you that Planned Parenthood is anything less than an abortion-at-all-costs murder mill.

Full story (with video) via Hot Air.

Today’s Silliness…

In the spirit of Jedi Squirrels, Army Squirrel, and Sith Squirrel, I give you… Faith Healer Chipmunk!

Thanks to DangerDave for posting his pic on facebook for me to steal!

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