Status Report: Chocolate For Iraq

The chocolate drive is drawing to a close. My friend, Tech Sergent Adam Page will be coming home from Iraq later this month, but he has assured me that our efforts will continue to benefit the wounded troops who come through the 332nd CASF hospital through his commanding officer and his replacement.

So far, we’ve shipped over 120 pounds of chocolate candy to Iraq. Not a single piece has been damaged or melted in shipping. But in a matter of weeks, the temperatures will be warm enough to make shipping impossible. My goal is to get 200 pounds shipped before that happens.

Alt-N, my awesome employer, has graciously offered to pay for all the shipping. (It comes out to about $1 a pound.) So any cash donations have been and will continue to be turned into sugary goodness. I’ve purchased about $150 worth so far. If you’d like to help out, you can donate via PayPal by clicking the link at the bottom of the sidebar.

Adam has sent some pictures! (Adam’s the guy with the birthmark.)

Bonus material: Adam celebrated his birthday in Iraq, and I scraped some pictures from his Flickr site. His crew had a lot of fun with it. I hope he doesn’t get mad at me for posting these. It took six, well trained airmen to tie him down, so I wouldn’t stand a chance!

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