Say It Ain’t So

Sorry there’s no WFHF video today. I actually worked. (*gasp*) I KNOW! Amazing, huh?


I have some good footage from last week for “Work From Home Friday” that is still sitting in my camera. And this Friday I’m spending the whole day preparing for a youth camping trip. (Yes, I took a vacation day. I’m not that dishonest!)

I know that’s no comfort to your video hillarity jones, but I thought I’d let you know. Maybe, just maybe, if I can get the firewood loaded and the marshmallows bought in time, I can get last weeks video produced and posted. But I make no promises. The smores come first.

Yeah, I know. I’m a bad bad boy.

I have a lot of footage filmed for last week’s Work From Home Friday, but I didn’t get the chance to edit it. It was a pretty crazy weekend. I even promised Randy that I’d get it done for him for his Birthday, so that makes me extra turdy for being tardy.

What’s bad is I’ve got really good stuff in there, so I’m motivated to get it done, but my todo list this weekend was just overpowering.

Long story short, I have the footage, I have the motivation, now if I can just find the time it will get posted. Cross your fingers for me.

Well Excuuuuuse Meeeeee!

Yes, I know. You didn’t get your Work-From-Home-Friday vlog fix. I’m so sorry. Waah waah. Cry me a river.

Well, to be honest, only my dad said anything about it. Nobody else seems to care. I thought… I thought more people would notice.  *sniff* I guess you guys just don’t care. *sniff sniff* But I’ll be ok. Don’t worry about me.

To be completely honest, last week at work I was hit with major feature creep. I have to create a whole new system just to support the project I was already working on. But Friday was extremely productive and I think I’ll have the project wrapped up in under two weeks. And that’s more exciting than some silly ol’ video. Right?

Well, maybe not. As a consolation, I’m linking to a song written and performed by my good friend and occational inspiration, Randy Pants. Happy Remote Day.

The Trouble With Success

What if I'm not funny enough?!It seems my silly little video from last Friday was a huge success. It was just something I threw together on a whim. I even worried that it was too weird. But now I’m getting comments and emails from folks I don’t know or folks I haven’t had contact with in years. They all love it. Tammy’s probably watched it five or six times now. Just last night I heard her laughing in the office and found her watching it again. This is weird.

So now it’s Thursday and I’m wondering, is there any way I could follow up that success with another Friday vlog or will I just fall on my face.

See, now I understand why some people fear success more than they fear failure.

Busy Busy Bee

I got back from Mexico last Saturday. I had enough time to get caught up at work and I’m leaving for San Antonio tomorrow.

Tammy took me to see Dark Knight last night and we watched Night at the Museum on DVD today. Both great. I hope write reviews sometime in August. See you then!

Same Song, Different Dance

It’s that time again. Crunch time. Between work and church, my summer is already spent. I’ve got two mission trips in July and a major project due at the first of August. So, don’t be surprised at the pitiful lack of posts this month. See you in August.

Is This Thing On?

I got motivated. (I know! Amazing, huh?) So last night, I sat down with my video camera and Roxio software and pieced together my first attempt at video blogging. The lighting is bad, the sound is worse, the performance abysmal. In short, I’m not happy with it, but it’s my first shot and it’s probably good enough for public consumption.

If this works out, I’ll add an icon to posts that have a video or audio version. Please let me know if this doesn’t work for you. You’ll probably need iTunes or MediaPlayer 10 to see it.

Clicky clicky.

Four Years… FOUR YEARS??!!

Surely you’re not serious!! Four years?!

It was June 9, 2004. I’d spent a week in a Microsoft training class with nothing else to do but read other people’s blogs (most notably, “” and “I Awoke in Britannia”). I was amazed at the creativity, but still couldn’t help think, “I could so do that.”

So I did. I signed up for a free account on For months I had scoffed at the idea of blogging. As I wrote in my first post:

“[W]elcome to the 21st century, where entertainment has become as trite as reading someone else’s diary.”

You might say I was a cynic. That’s exactly why, when I was asked for a title for my blog, I typed, “Surely You’re Not Serious.” No one would believe that I had a blog.

This year, I’ve got a couple of goals for SYNS. I’d like to start adding an audio or maybe even video feed in which I read a few choice posts to give them the voice they deserve. I also hope to redecorate. I’ll stick with the 40’s advertising line art, but with a new design and color scheme. After all, this one’s nearly four years old!

So here’s to you, faithful readers, and here’s to four more years!

WBQotW #… Ummm

It came to my attention when I was doing some maintenance on my blog that there as been a serious breech of protocol. It turns out that I have, in fact, published 132 white board quips, NOT 129. Somehow I managed to not count three quips.

So, I must take drastic action and pronounce this week’s quip #133. Rather than going back and editing fifty or sixty old posts to get them up to the correct counts, we’ll just say that quips 130, 131, and 132 were victims of poor accounting and lost to the ether.

I always win. Except when I lose, but then I just don’t count it.

[Ed. Oh, who am I kidding. I can’t stand to leave this alone. I’m going to go back and fix the old ones!! OCD wins again.]

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