Ya know, if we could just go one day without bad news…
A UCLA student (that means adult) posed as a 13-year-old girl claiming to be pregnant at the hands of a 31-year-old man. (Yes, very disturbing, but fortunately not true in this case.) She brought a hidden camera into an Indiana Planned Murderhood clinic and caught the clinic nurse on tape advising this girl, who she believed to be a pregnant 13-year-old, to lie and break state law to get an abortion and avoid prosecution for the adult “boyfriend.”
Sick, people. Just plain sick.
The nurse was fired by PP, but the Indiana Attourney General may still press charges against Planned Parenthood.
This was only part of the larger “Mona Lisa Project”, exposing PP‘s pattern of scoff-law behavior and manipulation of minors to feed its abortion machine. (See the Mona Lisa Project’s website and scroll down to “Timeline”.)
Your tax dollars at work? You betcha. PP gets over $300 million a year of your money (and turns a $100 million profit).
Don’t let anyone tell you that Planned Parenthood is anything less than an abortion-at-all-costs murder mill.
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