January 20, 2009 - 1:05 pm
So, for the first time in my life, I listened to the inauguration live. It may be the last time.
I expected something magical, something historic, something messianic. Instead, a botched oath; a truly idiotic, hippie poem (I expected the crowd to snap their fingers in approval), and a dull speech with not at single quotable sound bite to be chiseled into the marble of history.
According to radio commentators on the scene, the crowd was confused. There was no energy. There were no applause points. And the applause after the speech, which was expected to last for several minutes, died off quickly and left a good 20 seconds of dead air. People were already starting to make their way out of the stands half-way through the poetry reading.
The only memorable bit was the completely disgusting, offensive, racist closing prayer that was almost as long as the inaugural address itself. Reverend Joseph E. Lowery prayed that, in the next few years, we will live in a country in which…
“Black will not be asked to get back. Brown can hang around. Yellow is mellow. The red man can get ahead, man. And white will embrace what is right.”
In other words, he looks forward to the day when blacks will not be forced to sit in the back of the bus (Dude. That hasn’t been done since before I was born!), Hispanics will not be deported (Regardless of whether they are breaking the law or not?!), Asians will… uh… calm down… I guess… (I don’t get it.), and Caucasians will do the right thing because everyone knows that white people are evil.
So that’s what I will remember about Bronco Bomber’s big day: Racism.
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