June 23, 2008 - 12:20 pm
Some of you may not have been around when I first explained the White Board Quip of the Week. I touched on its origins in the first WBQotW post. There I mention the first true weekly quips that showed up on my cubicle white board when I interned at Hewlett Packard, my first “real” job in the industry, in 1998. But really, the tradition has deeper roots.
The real impetus was a college calculus class in 1994. My friend Galyn and I would usually arrive early for class. It was in a newly renovated building, one of the first to have white boards rather than chalk boards. Galyn and I were both (and still are) given to odd sayings. We were both fans of Ren and Stimpy, odd t-shirts, and funny bumper stickers. So, we began anonymously writing the weirdest things we could think of on the white board, just to see the reactions of our classmates as they came into the room.
This week’s quip was one of the first from those crazy days at Amarillo College. (It’s a weird one that you have to think about. It was written in the form of a mathematical proof.)
1 Funeral Procession = Absolute Right of Way
> 1 Funeral Procession = Funeral Processions Increasing w/out Bound
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