January 19, 2009 - 2:47 pm
I made a very short trip to my folk’s ranch this weekend. We only got to share two meals. But we did run through about $40 worth of ammunition. I delivered Mom’s Christmas present, a snub-nosed .357 revolver. Dad set up a really nice little gun range in a deep creek bed. Mom seemed to have a great time and she is a crack shot. I strongly recommend against showing up on the ranch with malicious intent.
While I was there, I got caught up on the family news and was really surprised (as I always am) to hear how many distant family members are following the blog (many of whom I have not seen in years if not decades).
Gee, no pressure there!!
So, again I find myself apologizing for my lax performance. I know you all must be thinking how rotten it was of me to do just a handful of Work-From-Home-Friday videos and then leave you all hanging for over a month. And I assure you, the wait is far from over. (Maybe it’s my way of getting back at the Universe for the cancellation of Firefly.)
Sadly, I am forced to make the difficult decisions, like spending my time raising up other people’s kids to be Godly men and women instead of filming myself in the shower with my clothes. It’s a tough choice!! But, and I know you may not agree, my fear of God is bigger than my fear of my second cousin whom I’ve not seen since before puberty.
Forgive me, dear readers. And, if you have grace enough, don’t give up on SYNS. There will come a day when my time will be own again and this blog shall rise from the ashes like a phoenix… in the shower… with its clothes on!!
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