POW Hero or AWOL Nutjob?

Bronco Bomber reminds me a lot of Tony Romo. Romo, the Dallas Cowboys’ quarter back is either loved or hated by fans. There is no middle ground. Bad throws. Poor decisions. Many many games lost in “clutch” situations. But… BUT once in a blue moon, Romo will pull out a truly miraculous play. The commentators will ooh and aww for the days. Apologists will say, “Yeah, but did you see him on that impossible 3rd and long against the Giants?” That one play. That’s all it takes to distract the small minded from the years and years of epic sucktitude.

Yeah, Bronco Bomber is exactly like that. And just this week, the Bomber has pulled out one of his best and most spectacular plays. And it’s worked like a charm… at least on the small minded, doe-eyed, sound-bite driven, 140-characters-or-less, 15-seconds-of-fame, Lamestream suckers.

Do 5 minutes of real truth hunting (like I did) and you see what a colossal disaster this is!

First, for the first time in American history, we have negotiated with terrorist. There is a myriad of reasons why we have never done this, too many to discuss right now.

Second, it was a very very bad bargain. We traded a five-man terrorist dream team for one America-hating, looney-bin Army deserter.

“WHAT? Noooo. That can’t be right.”

Read it for yourself:

I am ashamed to be an American. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools,” he concluded. “I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.

These are the words of the “Hero POW” Bronco just “liberated.”

And, as if that wasn’t enough, this is his equally nutty father’s reply to that very quote:

Bob Bergdahl responded in an email: “OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE!”

Attaboy, Dad. You raised your boy up right, didn’t ya. “Do whatever you want to, kid. Never mind that you committed to the Army. Never mind that millions were spent to train you, to keep you safe, to equip you with nothing but the best. Never mind that dozens or even hundreds of real patriots will put their lives on the line to rescue your sorry butt from the Taliban. Never mind all that. You just put down your weapon and walk away from your post into the starry Afghan night. I’m sure it will all work out.”

One night, after finishing a guard-duty shift, Bowe Bergdahl asked his team leader whether there would be a problem if he left camp with his rifle and night-vision goggles — to which the team leader replied “yes.” [editor: Understatement of the century!]

Bergdahl then returned to his bunker, picked up a knife, water, his diary and a camera, and left camp.

And guess what? It DID all work out thanks to our dear and glorious Bronco Bomber. Yaaaaay.

Read the full article and decide for yourself.

Beautiful But…

Found this on Tumblr.

And then he will shoot you in the face. Nice try though!

It beautifully summarizes the faulty logic of the the Liberal mind. That is: It sounds beautiful and poetic, but it’s naive and ultimately futile. So sad. I have huge respect Malala and I agree with her about the importance of education. But what the Left can not comprehend is that there is evil in the world that doesn’t care about logic or reason or love. And when you encounter that evil, without force, you are unarmed and that evil will win.

P.S. I have a Tumblr! (

Common Sense Isn’t – Debt Limit

There are thousands of words to be said about the current budget stand-off, government shutdown, and impending debt limit debate. But rather than spout those thousands of words, I’ll let this simple yet brilliant video do the talking.

Produced by

Why So Syrias?

[Ed: Sorry this is long, but you really should read the whole thing. Seriously.]

I’ve had a wide range of people ask me my opinion on the Syrian crisis; from co-workers to church youth. I don’t know why. But you know me. I give my people what they want!

First, as usual, history is everything. So let’s review.

The “Assad Regime” has been around a long time. Bashar Al-Assad is a leader of the Ba’ath political movement in Syria. (His dad Hafez was the party leader before him.) You probably know another former Ba’ath party leader, Saddam Hussein. Yes, Bashar and Saddam are old buddies. Both were “democratically elected” (That’s in quotes for a reason.) and both have a history of, shall we say, brass knuckle diplomacy.

However, unlike Saddam, Bashar likes to look like the good guy. He wears dapper suits instead of fake military medals. He studied in London, speaks English and married a Brit girl. He’s the Joe Cool of the Middle East. And as part of this charade, he likes to wine and dine Western diplomats.

Now, if you will recall, not long after U.S. tanks rolled into Baghdad, the peacenik Lame stream media started chanting, “Where are the WMDs?!” And, of course, there is a very logical and sound answer: Syria. When Saddam saw the writing on the wall, he stashed his goods at his buddy’s house. But, because they’re peaceniks and Lame and hate Bush more than they love the truth, this idea never saw ink.

Mad Vlad and Bronco BomberFast-forward about five years. Peacenik and Lame stream “Chosen One”, Bronco Bomber takes the reins. His foreign policy boils down to, “We suck and anyone we’ve ever supported sucks too.” This includes several Middle East dictators.

If you spend five minutes reading about U.S. Middle East policy, you’re realize it’s incredibly complicated and sometimes involves us propping up a bad dictator because he’s the lesser of several evils. This includes Egypt’s Mubarak, Libya’s Gadhafi, and Syria’s Asaad. But the Chosen One’s new policy encourages the overthrow of these (admittedly not angelic yet) fairly stable dictators. Great! Hooray for democracy! Except (as the rest of us know*) it’s not that simple.

Wacko extremist terrorist types, like Al Qaeda, thrive in instability. So as soon as Bronco’s “Arab Spring” breaks loose, democracy takes a back seat real fast. Suddenly Egypt’s “democratically elected” government turns into radical Islam’s Muslim Brotherhood slaughtering “infidels” in the street. Likewise, days after the good people of Syria took up arms to topple their evil dictator, the rebellion is taken over by Al Qaeda and it becomes an on-going terror attack.

The worse news is that Al Qaeda actually captured several Syrian cities and Syrian assets (quite possibly including some of Saddam’s old WMDs).

BrilliantNow, Bronco Bomber (as usual) starts spouting uneducated policy threats, “fuzzy red lines,” that are (as usual) hopelessly undefinable and unenforceable. The “Un” (see also Un-Speak) announces that it’s going send people in to “observe” the civil war in Syria. A few days *AFTER* this announcement hundreds of civilians are killed by a WMD.

Bashar is smart; dangerously smart. It would not be smart to use you’re old buddy’s 20 year old chemical weapons on your own people DAYS AFTER the Un announced they were coming to inspect your war. (There is evidence that Assad explicitly rejected the use of chemical weapons.)

However, Al Qaeda is also smart and has a long running policy of killing civilians (no matter what side they’re on) to further its cause. Let’s just say that Al Qaeda did stumble across a couple canisters of weaponized sarin gas and just happened to be watching CNN when the Un made their announcement. Wouldn’t it be smart to gas some innocents with Assad’s own WMDs to push Bronco Bomber and the Un across the “fuzzy red line?” Wouldn’t that force the U.S. and the Un to take out Al Qaeda’s enemy? Pretty smart if you ask me; horrifyingly smart.

So now, Bronco Bomber is really screwed. He’s painted himself into a corner. His peacenik buddies won’t support a new war. The rest of us* are too smart to support an alliance with Al Qaeda. Mad Vlad Putin is maniacally laughing and wringing his hands as he watches the White House implode. There’s no way out for the poor Bronco Bomber. He’s going to look like the idiot he is no matter what he does. How in the good name of the Chosen One will the media bail out their Messiah?

The news comes out that Tuesday night, our great and glorious Bronco Bomber is going to address the nation. Is this going to be a “Shock on Awe” speech? Is it going to be a “Congress made me back down” speech? No one is sure. The only surety is that it will be the best tap-dance the Bronco has ever performed.

Foot-In-Mouth KerryAnd then along comes John!

Yesterday (Monday) morning, Foot-In-Mouth Sec. of State John Kerry, spouts off a flippant attempt at condescension when a reporter asked if Assad had any way of escape from the wrath of the Bronco Bomber. Kerry said, “Sure!” Assad just has to turn over his WMDs!

Now the dominoes start falling faster than the Lame stream can type.

Kerry said this as a “Yeah right. Like that’ll happen” remark. The Lame stream instantly started backtracking Kerry’s idiocy as a “gaffe.” “He didn’t mean it like that!” But before the ink was dry, Assad and Putin pounced. The deal is struck. Putin sets himself up to sweep in and save the day. Russia will accept Syria’s WMDs to save Assad from the Big Bad Bronco.

Considering that Bronco was so hopelessly cornered, he takes this as an unexpected out! The Lame stream quickly changes tack. Now they say Kerry’s “offer” for Syrian disarmament was on the table all along. It was just “considered unlikely.”

In the mean time, the Bomber’s speech writers are burning up their keyboards to rewrite tonight’s speech. We will never know what sort of tap dance they had planned. That speech will never see the light of day. Instead, we get to watch a whole new tap dance in which the Bronco Bomber claims victory once again for his glorious diplomacy that diverted war. All hail our great and glorious Bronco.

But, my dear readers, the rest of us* know better.

* Throughout this post, when I say, “the rest of us,” I am referring to level-headed, conservative, intelligent American patriots, such as you, my readers. You are so smart! Smart enough to read this blog!!

Contact Your Representative!

Obamacare is no joke and it’s already forcing the Liberal world view (the culture of death) on ALL Americans. Obamacare requires that ALL Americans get health coverage and, in the same breath, it requires ALL health coverage to include infanticide… er… sorry… “birth control.” Because, you see, “birth control” sounds nice. It sounds like freedom and happiness. But any time the Liberal Left says “birth control,” what they’re really saying is “abortion.” That is, after all, the ultimate birth control: killing the baby.

The Republican controlled house can’t do much while Obama sits atop his throne and his cronies control the Senate. But they can make as much noise as possible hoping that Obama’s Lap-dog Lame Stream media will be forced to comment.

HR 940 is one such shout. It’s the “Health Care Conscience Rights Act”; an amendment to Obamacare that would allow individuals and companies to purchase health insurance that does not go against their moral and/or religious convictions and it opens the door for insurance companies to offer policies that don’t include abortion.

You can see if your representative has already signed on to cosponsor the bill here. You will notice (if you’re a North Texan like me) that all three of the core conservative reps from DFW have already signed up: Joe Barton, Dr. Michael Burgess, and Kenny Marchant.

However, my new rep (thanks to redistricting), the “pro-choice conservative” (*HURK* ugh. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.) Kay Granger, has not yet signed on. I just sent her the following email via her website. (You can too!)

As I’m sure you know, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is forcing all Americans, including those who have serious religious or moral objections, to pay for insurance coverage that covers (and ultimately funds) abortion and other “birth control” solutions that involve the death of an unborn innocent.

Thankfully, true conservatives in the House have offered a solution: HR 940. I’m sure you will respect my choice to not pay for a procedure I consider immoral, joining other North Texas conservatives like Reps Barton, Burgess, and Marchant, and cosponsor this bill. Thank you for representing my conservative values in Washington.

Also conspicuously missing from the list is Roger Williams, who represents the area south of Fort Worth, including Burleson.

If your House representative has not signed on yet, you can contact them by finding your district and going to the representative’s website.

Islam Is Winning Its War On Christianity (and the US Is Helping)

[Sorry. No humor today. This one is deadly serious.]

“The Arab Spring” is now the Christian Winter throughout the Middle East, and United States foreign policy is firmly on the side of the Jihad.

Somewhere between a quarter and a half million Coptic Christians (It’s hard to say for sure, because so many have been kidnapped and killed.) have fled Egypt in the two years since Jihadists overthrew the secular government (with Bronco Bomber’s* blessing). Those who remain face torture and death because of their faith.

After the NATO supported overthrow of the (admittedly corrupt) Libyan dictatorship, Jihadists have taken over the country. Now Libyan Christians are tortured to death for the crime of “proselytizing Christianity”.

Before the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and subsequent installment of a “democratically elected,” radical Islamic government, there were 1 million Iraqi Christians. Now there are fewer than 400,000. Many fled. Many were butchered in the name of Islam.

In October of 2010 Jihadists stormed a Baghdad church. The Iraqi military (with US overwatch support) barricaded the doors, essentially locking the sheep in with the wolves. Dozens of Christians, unable to escape, were slaughtered (including babies [warning: graphic video]). The official US account of the attack was a “robbery gone wrong.”

Sadly, many of the Christians fleeing Iraq when to Syria where the government, although certainly corrupt, was secular and thus tolerant of Christians. Now, however, the Arab Spring has spread to Syria. Much of the West, including Bronco Bomber*, are aiding the “freedom fighters” (actually Al Qaeda backed Islamist militias).

The Assad dictatorship in Syria is evil. But now; just as in Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and others; the world must decide the better of two evils: A corrupt dictator or radical Islam. Because the West has become completely blind to religion and religious persecution, they will inevitably side with the Jihadists yet again.

Syrian towns and neighborhoods that have been traditionally Christian for over 1000 years are now devoid of Christians (at least those openly professing their faith). The stories told by Christians fleeing their ancestral homes are chillingly reminiscent of Jesus’ own warnings of persecution.

“We left because they were trying to kill us. They wanted to kill us because we were Christians … Those who were our neighbours turned against us.” (18-year-old , former resident of Homs, Syria)

“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.” (Matthew 24:9-10)

“At the end, when we ran away, we went through balconies. We did not even dare go out on the street in front of our house.” (Noura Haddad)

“So when you see the abomination of desolation … flee to the mountains. Let the one who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in his house, and let the one who is in the field not turn back to take his cloak. (Matthew 24:15-18)

Where will it stop? Syria? Lebanon? Jordan? Turkey? Chechnya? The Balkans? Europe? I’m not saying that this is the end of the world. And I’m not even sure I have an answer to the problem of choosing between dictators and Jihadists. I just want my readers to know that there is so much more going on that you will see on Good Morning America or CNN. And there are some things that you need to know. (If you haven’t before, please click the link in my side bar, “ “)

Do you know what the Bible says about the End-Times? You need to. (What a convenient segue!) I’m going to teach an in depth study of Revelation at my house this summer. It’s something I’ve known for years I needed to do. I’m getting the word out on Facebook, but I’ll be sure to post dates and times here on SYNS too.

* It occurred to me that I’ve been using the term “Bronco Bomber” for so long, some of you might not know what it means. Just say it out loud, fast, and you should be reminded of a certain political figure.

Socialized Medicine Doesn’t Work

When, in 2008, the state of Oregon expanded Medicaid, there were three times as many people who wanted the government subsidized, “affordable” coverage than the plan could afford to cover. This turned out to be a perfect petri dish for testing the effectiveness of socialized medicine.

A recently published study compared about 6000 people who got into the expanded program with about 6000 who applied, but lost the lottery. According to Liberal socialism, those who got the coverage should have been dramatically healthier, happier, and richer. At least that’s what the Obamacare debate would have us believe.

In fact, the study found that “Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in measured physical health outcomes in the first 2 years, but it did increase use of health care services…”

In short, socialized medicine spends more money without making anyone healthier. Hmm. More spending with no benefits. Yep. That sounds like Liberalism to me!

US STDs Spreading Faster Than Deplomas

That's disgustingAccording to this news article (which I admit is from a ring-wing-nut web site), recent data released from the Centers for Disease Control shows that, in 2008, sexually transmitted diseases infected more new people than college graduations and new jobs combined.

Frighteningly, there were six times as many new STD infections among 15-24 year-olds than the total number of college graduates that year. Six times!!

According to the CDC, there were more than 110 million Americans living with an STD in 2008. (And that’s five years ago! How many more since then?!) That’s basically one in three. Statistically, if you can ride in the car pool lane, someone in your car probably has crotch cooties.

So, at what point do the Liberal nut jobs concede that their “they’re going to do it anyway,” “free condoms for kids,” sex ed programs (that started before I was in junior high) don’t work?

If you want to guarantee that you won’t get an STD, you have one option and one option only: Be a virgin when you marry a virgin. Anything less, and you’re playing against the odds.

If I Had a Million Dollars…

TAKE MY MONEY!…I would make a business of going from one Liberal-nut-job gun “buy back” to another. Next weekend, Niagara Falls, and Lockport, NY, will offer “$50 for working shotguns and rifles, $75 for handguns, and $100 for assault rifles.” At the same time, in a suburb of Palo Alto, CA, “a small-caliber handgun with a small magazine might fetch $100, for example, while a high-powered assault weapon with a large magazine would garner more, perhaps $200 or $250.”

There are similar events near Philadelphia, PA; San Jose, CA; Newburgh, NY; Conway, SC; and Santa Fe, NM in just the next two weeks!

Yessir, I’d park my truck across the street with a big banner: “Sell you gun here!”

At a gun show, depending on the caliber and condition, an AR or AK rifle is worth $800 to $2000. Even pistols are worth two to ten times more than these wackos are paying. Talk about a healthy margin! If I had the money to invest, I could turn a 100 to 1000% profit on each weapon. Meanwhile, my savings account is earning less than 2%.

Of course, I wouldn’t haul the weapons straight to a gun show. That’d be dishonest. In order to win over these brainless gun givers (Can’t really consider them “owners” can you?) I’d promise them the guns were for my private collection. They’d be “off the street” and locked up away from the bad guys… at least until the market stops climbing.

Actually… Sante Fe is not that far from here. Hmmm.

Link Dump

A symptom of my blog neglect is the large collection of news links stacked on my desktop. Rather than try and write a post for each one, I’m just going to have to do a link dump. So, hold on to your bloomers. Here we go!

Dirty space news: Mysterious explosion on Uranus!! (Clicky clicky.)

Siberians share DNA with Neanderthals… OR maybe Neanderthal were actually humans… Duh. Read Genesis! (Clicky clicky.)

Insult to injury: Netflix customers (former and current) cut deep into earnings. Stock collapses. (Clicky clicky.)

Shamed ultra Liberal (and likely criminal) “community organization” ACORN is the driving force behind the “Occupy” movement. (Clicky clicky.)

After exposure, ACORN scrambles (but fails) to cover up “Occupy” involvement. (Clicky clicky.)

Hilarious: Mass of McDonald’s job applications dumped on “Occupy” protesters. (Clicky clicky.)

The parasites have parasites: Lice outbreak at Occupy Portland. (Clicky clicky.)

Walmart for rats: “Occupy” encampments are breeding grounds for dangerous disease including drug-resistant TB and truth-resistant socialism. (Clicky clicky and clicky clicky.)

Obama’s agriculture dept introduced Christmas Tree Tax to promote Christmas trees. Seriously?! (Clicky clicky.)

U.S. military kicked out of Iraq likely because Obama admin completely ignored the Iraqi gov’t for nearly a year! Turns out the “silent treatment” is not good foreign policy! (Clicky clicky.)

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