Mexico Meltdown

When you’re planning a mission trip to Mexico (which I am) on which you will be responsible for several dozen teenagers (which I will be) stories like this have a deep impact.

Read Yon’s note, then follow his link to listen to the radio news piece. In a world as complex and interconnnected as ours, don’t take anything for granted.

Word of the Day

Obamagasm – Conspicuous and unabashed worship showered on the newly elected President Bronco Bomber, particularly among Liberal media and black racists.

How long with the obamagasm last? If it’s more than a few days, I’m canceling my cable and putting my TV on the curb.

President Bronco Bomber

So, for the first time in my life, I listened to the inauguration live. It may be the last time.

I expected something magical, something historic, something messianic. Instead, a botched oath; a truly idiotic, hippie poem (I expected the crowd to snap their fingers in approval), and a dull speech with not at single quotable sound bite to be chiseled into the marble of history.

According to radio commentators on the scene, the crowd was confused. There was no energy. There were no applause points. And the applause after the speech, which was expected to last for several minutes, died off quickly and left a good 20 seconds of dead air. People were already starting to make their way out of the stands half-way through the poetry reading.

The only memorable bit was the completely disgusting, offensive, racist closing prayer that was almost as long as the inaugural address itself. Reverend Joseph E. Lowery prayed that, in the next few years, we will live in a country in which…

“Black will not be asked to get back. Brown can hang around. Yellow is mellow. The red man can get ahead, man. And white will embrace what is right.”

In other words, he looks forward to the day when blacks will not be forced to sit in the back of the bus (Dude. That hasn’t been done since before I was born!), Hispanics will not be deported (Regardless of whether they are breaking the law or not?!), Asians will… uh… calm down… I guess… (I don’t get it.), and Caucasians will do the right thing because everyone knows that white people are evil.

So that’s what I will remember about Bronco Bomber’s big day: Racism.


Wheezin’ The Juuuuice

This is an actual, non-photochopped photo from a pro-Palestinian rally in New York Monday.

Dude! Why is everybody hatin’ on the juice? (For those of you who did not wear diapers in the 90’s, here’s a little flash back.) All we want is to wheez the juice!!

It’s not just sick. It’s a sickness!

I hope you watched the Mona Lisa Project video I linked to yesterday. Yesterday the news broke that Planned Murderhood fired the employee from the first video, because, of course, this was an isolated incident, yada, yada, not policy, blah, blah, lies, lies lies.

Today, the project released a second video, featuring a second Planned Murderhood clinic, filmed in a different town on the same day as the first, and not one, but two employees pretending to ignore the ages claimed by the undercover girl.  “I don’t want to know the age.” This comes from both employees when the girl claims to 13 and empregnated by a 31-year-old “boyfriend.”

“We don’t really care about … the age of the boyfriend. It’s consensual. It’s your choice.”

Wow. At 13? It’s consensual? It’s your choice? These people are either completely stupid, or purely evil.

Story via Hot Air, with video.

Just Sick

Ya know, if we could just go one day without bad news

A UCLA student (that means adult) posed as a 13-year-old girl claiming to be pregnant at the hands of a 31-year-old man. (Yes, very disturbing, but fortunately not true in this case.) She brought a hidden camera into an Indiana Planned Murderhood clinic and caught the clinic nurse on tape advising this girl, who she believed to be a pregnant 13-year-old, to lie and break state law to get an abortion and avoid prosecution for the adult “boyfriend.”

Sick, people. Just plain sick.

The nurse was fired by PP, but the Indiana Attourney General may still press charges against Planned Parenthood.

This was only part of the larger “Mona Lisa Project”, exposing PP‘s pattern of scoff-law behavior and manipulation of minors to feed its abortion machine. (See the Mona Lisa Project’s website and scroll down to “Timeline”.)

Your tax dollars at work? You betcha. PP gets over $300 million a year of your money (and turns a $100 million profit).

Don’t let anyone tell you that Planned Parenthood is anything less than an abortion-at-all-costs murder mill.

Full story (with video) via Hot Air.

Bail Out Fever

The “Big Three” are back in D.C. today, begging for more of your money. This time, they “humbled” themselves by driving the 8 hours from Detroit. Purely symbolic, playing to the media, don’t buy it.

There are lots of reasons that the US auto industry is a mess. First and formost is that their products suck. If you can’t compete with quality products in any industry, you’re not going to make money.

The other huge contributor is the UAW. Unions are a good thing when they do their job which is to protect workers from abuse and corruption. Their job is NOT to insure retardedly high wages and benefits that drive the company out of business. That’s what the UAW has done.

Good Morning America this morning, in their usual doom-and-gloom, the sky is falling, fright-fest, featured two people who lost their jobs last week. One was a office admin from a failed financial firm. She’s a single mom and can’t make ends meet with her unemployment check alone.

The other was a GM assembly line worker who, between is unemployment check and his UAW benefits, brings home more money, while unemployed, than my wife does from her full time job. That is, this guy (I lost by UAW protected job. Boo hoo hoo.) is pulling down MORE than many hard working, full-time employed Americans. Gee, I wonder how in the world, GM could be hemorrhaging money.

So what do you think? Should the Big Three get billions of dollars of our money?

Should taxpayers bail out the US auto industry?
Yes. They’re “too big to fail.”
Yes. It’s only fair after bailing out the financial sector.
Yes. I like crappy cars that are “Made in the USA.”
No. No company is “too big to fail.”
No. We shouldn’t have bailed out the banks either.
No. Companies that make bad products are SUPPOSED to fail.
No. It’s my money and you can’t have it!!
I am not smart enough to decide, so I don’t know.
Free polls from

Economic Whoas

Nothing cures economic doldrums like some good satire. Check out Fred’s latest vlog. Then enjoy this week’s white board quip.

Why is the man who invests all your money called a “broker”?

Mean What You Say. Say What You Mean.

I’ve had several people take me to task over this phrase from my previous blog post:

And thank God I don’t have to defend that foul-mouthed, turn-coat jerk John McCain.

“Why would you say that?” “Did you mean to say Obama?” “I thought you voted for McCain.” “Substantiate your comment.”

In truth, I did not vote for McCain directly. I didn’t have the stomach for it so I voted straight ticket Republican. Now, I know I’m splitting hairs here, and you can call me out on that if you like. My vote was, if anything, a vote against Obama’s socialist agenda.

Now, on to your concerns. If you’ll spend a minute or two searching this blog for “McCain,” you’ll see that I’ve long been a vocal critic.

Of special note are “McCain starts the ‘Donkey Dance’ early” and The John Farkus Affair in which McCain dropped f-bombs all over my Senator Cornyn. (Story here and here.)

Let me outline just a few of the reasons I’m not a fan.

  • McCain/Kennedy alien amnesty… “Some have said that John McCain has destroyed his chances for President by getting in bed with Ted Kennedy on this bill”
  • McCain/Feingold campaign butchery… “This bill limits the ability of citizens, however organized, to exercise their rights to free speech when it comes to elections.”
  • Opposition to Bush tax cuts… “McCain aligned with liberal heavyweights like Ted Kennedy in his opposition to the tax cuts which eventually lead to and which continue today to propel the economic growth the U.S. is experiencing.”
  • Very left-sounding criticism of Bush on Iraq… “McCain … accused the Bush administration of creating the impression that the war in Iraq would be ‘some kind of day at the beach.'”
  • “The Moderate Myth”… As for Mr. McCain, this all leaves him … offering a political philosophy–no more tax cuts, moderate reforms to entitlement programs and moderate judges–that is actually costing Democrats votes. Paradoxically it’s a political philosophy that helps him wield tremendous power in the Senate, where there are plenty of mushy moderates. But the idea that it’s a political philosophy that will propel Republicans into the White House is a myth that this President Bush has long since dispelled.

Those are just a few examples of why McCain’s “maverickness” is directly opposed to my conservativeness.

There are also a lot of articulate, intelligent people who say his POW story doesn’t hold water and that his whole claim to fame is a lie. This sounds a lot like a foil-hat, conspiracy theorists delight and I don’t have enough information to call it either way. Since it’s a very serious charge, I’ll come short of endorsing it. Rather, I’ll offer it for you to make your own call. Click here, here, here, and these guys are very vocal about it.

Now, let’s put all this to bed and forget about politics for a few months, shall we?

Aww Crap
Aw crap

I can’t say I’m surprised. Disappointed, of course. Moving to another country, no. (Where would I go that would be better? Maybe some tax free Caribbean island nation… Hmm.)

One thing is certain, I am now a minority. As a white, male, financially successful, English speaking, conservative Christian; I am *not* in this nation’s majority. And to be completely honest, I’m okay with that. As a blogger, it is much more fun (and ridiculously easier) to be on offense than defense. And thank God I don’t have to defend that foul-mouthed, turn-coat jerk John McCain.

First and foremost, I’m extremely proud to be a citizen of a country were radical regime changes like this occur with ballots and not bullets. (But rest assured, I’ll be stocking up on the latter while it’s still legal.)

On that note, let’s look at some of the conservative victories.

  • Arizona bans gay marriage
  • California bans gay marriage… again
  • Florida bans gay marriage (by a 3 to 1 margin)
  • Arkansas bans adoption to unmarried (and thus, gay) couples

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